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Manifesting HIM.....

It really is interesting how I started the week talking about getting more intentional about manifesting and being intentional about my dreams and then Tuesday happened.....and boom I felt catapulted into the direction I want my life to go, a door swinging open for me to step through:)....but I have had two random seeming conversations that have talked about my ability to manifest love the way I want it to be, and the way in which I wish for it to show up.....that I also found interesting along those same person that talked to me shared how she too had done online dating....and by her doing online dating, she actually was successful at it lol:) Not like me ;-) but she dated a bunch of people, and would start to meet them sooner than later to see if anything was there....and she found it challenging too........but shortly before she met the man that she fell for, and has an amazing relationship with, she had gotten really specific.....being picky and setting the bar high for herself, making a list in her mind of the "musts" and then there he was......fitting the bill.....they have been together 10 plus years and are wild about each other still and going strong.....I love that:) a good endorsement for online dating I suppose, even though most of us find it wildly difficult and disappointing;-) .....however you never know right? Then I had another random conversation, and this woman too had been divorced and she is wildly happy in her new relationship....she remarried.....and they have been together a long time....and she remarked about my setting the bar high and knowing I will manifest if you knew how random these conversations were....and that these women brought up all of it on their end you would think it is as strange as I.....and sometimes I pay attention to the "messages" that come up in my life.....the seemingly random stuff that creates a pattern or speaks to it got me thinking of beginning to be more intentional about that part.....I expressed awhile back being ready for all of it.....and looking forward to it finally, and feeling proud that I have waited for myself to be ready......but being fine in my single life too because well I am, truly :) And I also know that despite all the time that has passed, and coming up on 3 years.....I still know that my next relationship will challenge me, and require me to work through even more shadows making themselves known....and I am up for it.....but I know it won't be easy.....worth it I am hoping but easy I need to be more intentional about manifesting the right relationship for me....and there are possibilities afoot, and I trust that all things will fall into place as they should be.....I am keeping myself open to all of it....and to many possibilities......and I have come to learn that you cannot will something into existence.....and you can't have anything one moment sooner then when it is meant for you and you also cannot keep what isn't is that simple.....taking the complete pressure out of it jealousy, or worrying about betrayal again or any of it....knowing that the love that is yours, and meant to stay will be right there......and nothing or no one will change that if it is I am going to get more intentional about thinking about HIM, and more intentional about what I want to find and see in HIM.....and one of these days he may just show up:) Happy Thursday!

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