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I wrote awhile back about habit stacking......and somebody sharing that term with me and my loving starting with one daily habit, then adding another and another till are on your way:) I do think there is something to that......and maybe being given the ability to create a habit is the greatest gift we have been given as humans......because once habit takes hold....both good and bad....we are hooked and struggle to break them......I suppose it could be viewed as both a blessing and a curse.......I saw another meme the other day, I know I;-) but it said that I have never met anybody that got healthy and fit and didn't have the rest of their life improve significantly?? And it was profound to me to read that.....and obviously I am a test subject of one, but if I think of the people that I know, that take care of their body and are in good shape, and I believe the rest of their life has followed.....and so since I read that I have been pondering the why?? Like is it like magnets? One magnet of good stuff attracting another and another, until it is a pile of good stuff in the center of our lives, all cemented by that first step......that first act of discipline as good faith??? Maybe? Or maybe it is a desire to feel good in more places in your feels like that for me becoming addicted to feeling good and needing to up it day after day by doing things that feed it?? Like this organization extravaganza I have embarked on this week, seeks to bring order to all the corners of my occurred to me my new car is still spotless, nearly a month in, and that has been a new commitment I have undertaken, even with my children in the car lol:) My last car had gotten rough over the years inside from my crew and my allowing it to.......So sometimes it feels like lately my body feels so good, and I feel good inside my spirit and heart, and now I am taking that energy and extending it to things around me? If that makes sense? I tackled my shed and garage yesterday and organized and purged.....and it felt gloriously satisfying when it was said and I tackle the upstairs....and then I am done:) my entire little world will be tidy and organized lol......and the next place I seek to turn my attention is to maintaining the order I have arrived at.....being mindful of developing daily tidier daily habits instead of needing to clean it all up on a regular...I guess my point in this is that I believe that meme.......I believe it started with my habit of the trunk of a tree.....and in the last 2.5 years branches have grown from that tree......healthier habits.....,mindsets.....goals and plans,.....addressing my challenges and things I needed to work maybe there is something to that meme I read.....and in that all starts with us.....with that foundation of self love.....and choosing us.....and the payoff is extraordinary......finally believing we are worthy of all that follows that......When people ask me how I do the things I do every day, and they too are seeking to start a habit, I recommend they choose something, anything that serves them, then wake up and choose it again the next day, and again and again, no matter what.......just one thing.....a 20 min walk......a short meditation.....anything..... and do not let ANY excuse be big enough to get in the way......until it becomes a habit and grows, collecting others.....the habits are the way I believe......and soon they attract each other like magnets:) Enjoy the day!

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