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I am now a believer of magic.......since my journey began and my awakening started....I have had the gift and honor of that journey being touched by magic many times......and the more magic I see in my every day life......the more that steps forward, kinda cool huh how that works;-) If a person doesn't believe in magic, sadly I don't believe they will find have to be able to see the magic in the mundane......the magic in the magnificent and every place in between......this morning I am creating some magic of my kid's elves are arriving......they brought a fairy door and installed it so they could get into the house more easily;-) see magic......magic for me and them.....simple magic brought to you by a fairy door made in Life is an adventure and should be treated as such.....and as I sit here at 46.....the only wish I would have is that I knew all of this sooner.....I still am more blessed than most to have figured it out at my halfway point......and not any later in my life.....but still.....had I known this stuff in my I guess that is the point.....we get the awareness when it is supposed to come.....grabbing a hold of it all and running with it, in its due time......and I am certainly trying to just do that......choosing to view my life as a gift and a treasure to be appreciated each and every day.....and try and find some magic in every single day......because I believe we can.......with all of my heart.....someday I hope to meet a man that believes in magic like I do.....that seeks it, creates it, sees it, treasures it, and helps me keep that magic alive in myself.......looks at me every day and sees the magic that lives in my heart and soul, and I him........I am still under the weather some and was watching a show last night......and the main characters that were in love, had a very heavy thing happen between them that brought up old feelings, places I had occupied that were uncomfortable and anxiety provoking, like I could almost feel myself there......and it caused me to recoil back into my singledom........realizing how much safer it is;-) lol:) I so know that is not rational or healthy or any of it......BUT what it is for me is to hold out for hold true to my requirements in a not settle for anything that doesn't make me feel loved and treasured every single day.......every single one.......even on my worst days........every part of me......even the complicated parts.......most importantly yeah I am holding out for it all.....I certainly earned it in this life.....and the beauty of that kind of faith.......that kind of that ultimately I already know........have proven to myself, that I can have a magical life all by that is the plan B;-) ME, MYSELF, and I.......and plan A is to find a magical best friend......soul person.......all of it........look for the is out there.....even on a normal Tuesday......I promise;-)

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