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What a year my Mads! .........

Motivated, Adventurous, Diplomatic, Empowered, Leader, Independent, Nurturing, and Empathetic.....all words her guides at her school used to describe her in an acrostic poem, and I agree with every single one.....I know we all love our children fiercely, and feel they are special, and they are:) My Gilly is no exception.....she and I are kindred spirits and get each other through and through.....we honor many of the same things in life.....and seek to grow in the same ways.....she and I share that grit and zest for growth......and both have deep curiosity and a love of learning......and I love watching her grow and become who she came here to be.....and her school is a part of that.....I knew the moment I read about that school that it was meant for her.....that she would be able to thrive in that is not for everybody.....there has to be a level of intrinsic motivation present, and a curiosity for life and learning......and Mads has both.....she is becoming a writer, and a nerdy speller like her mom;-).....she also loves math and reading......learning about the pioneer days......working on quests with her peers.....fascinated by it all......she works well in a team.....and is stepping forward as a leader in her class....using her voice.....and the other students rely on her, and come to her for guidance often.....her guide shared that......and all of this just warms my heart and soul....because if you have been reading for awhile, and remember the beginning of this year, it was rough......Mads was dealing with heavy separation anxiety......and dealing with bullying and not wanting to go to school.....and spending the mornings with stomach aches and tears.....and I spent those mornings with her with my heart breaking.....and doing my best to talk her through it.....we listened to empowered woman songs.....pumping her up......spoke life into her day and heart......and somehow we got through by day, piece by piece.....and then she took off like a rocket.....finding her voice, and her willingness to stand shut the bullying rise above it, and not let the noise of others threaten to dim her shine......and wow right? She is 7 lol:) She figured out something that took me far longer to learn......she spent many mornings telling me she only felt strong when I was there, and we were singing our power songs.....but soon I saw her find her own strength, and wield it for herself and that is magic......and what I wanted for her always....happy to share mine, till she found hers........Mads is magic.....I know I am bias;-) but she is......she is so deep and wise......and alive.....I have always felt like she was my little old soul companion for as long as she could talk.......maybe even before......she "gets" life....and what it means to be alive.....and seeks to embrace it all.....and be uncomfortable and fearless in her pursuit of that.....she is brave.....and kind......and allows herself to be uncomfortable to grow.....and she seeks to beat her best each day.....telling me in the morning, her plans for the day and the goals she has on the is a learner driven community, and she is no question driving her own bus.......this year I have seen such enormous growth in her......her reading.....her writing......she is doing multiplication.......just so much, but also the social emotional piece.....which her school attends to......promoting self awareness......and her faith.....God is present in her school too......she recently had to evaluate herself for her conference....and then the guide did the same....and Madeline was talking to me about her rating herself, and acknowledging the places where she felt she felt short some and needed to grow......and really was so thoughtful about it all.....and her guide rated her the same, there were only a couple spots that they differed in ratings......and it showed me a level of maturity, and self awareness in her that will serve her well in this be true to herself, but also be able to take a look at herself and adjust:) So I realize that this is a shameless brag blog about my girl.....but I care not, because my girl deserves every word:) She is one of my greatest blessings, and I am so grateful she is mine! Have an amazing Saturday y'all:)

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Jun 25, 2023

Such beautiful words and all so very true! We love you Mads! Children (just like seeds!) need the right environment and nourishment to grow …. 🌱🌻

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