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My Mads........

I had Madeline's chart done and met with my astrology gal yesterday, and it was amazing and we peeked at Gabe's too and will do his next.......his birth time is still something I am trying to the stuff I have found to be true about my girl was confirmed......she is a Pisces but also has another water sign in her chart which explains her affinity and love of standing in front of the ocean, and being in water every chance she gets:) Every time we hike she runs to the creek first :) She has strong Taurus in her chart, which helps her jive with her Taurean mama, but also is an Earth sign, helping her love nature like I do......Gabe has it too.....I show up as an above and beyond present mother in his chart, and in hers a present mama that is there for her and supportive.........Venus rules her chart like me, so we jive on all things beautiful.....,loving to decorate together, Christmas trees being our thing lol:) All things beauty and decadence, and the arts.......She has a very logical rational side mixed with her emotional one, making it a nice balance for her.....her artistic gifts came up......but what made me cry was seeing that Gabe shows up in her chart....and potential caregiving some day of him as one of the karmic pieces of her journey here.....but what was better is it is in her wheelhouse, and she won't feel beholden by it or comes up as a harmonious thing for her......not a burden.......and that has always been in the back of my mind and that was my sense of her.....obviously somebody in my position, having a child that may need the support of somebody his whole life.......after I am terrifying......and I would never want to burden Mads or disrupt her life or her journey......but I haven't felt that that would be the case because of the relationship they have.....and having that confirmed in the chart just warmed my heart in ways that are hard to articulate......She has a strong emotional sense and intuitive sense which I also knew.....she will likely do some innovative stuff in her life and create something new for the greater good.....for groups of people......she has service of others in her chart like I do too......we actually share a lot of similarities.....which I had felt also, because we gel so well....but what was cool is we peeked at Gabe's and the three of us have a special planetary juju which makes our threesome so tight and I have felt it has been......they both have a strong Taurus presence in their charts and a Taurus mama, so it causes harmony in the relationship of the three of us.......and we share Aquarian energy.........She has some women empowerment stuff in her chart....She has a mechanical side also, strength in putting stuff back together......I use her any chance I can for that purpose :) Since I do She is musically inclined and really all of the arts....which I knew too.........but also with communication and expression.....speaking and writing.....I have seen all of that in her......her house of health is void of issues.....which I am grateful for......and have known her constitution is strong.....and she is super healthy.....and always has been.......there was so much more....but that is the main vibe....and I think for me, seeing her relationship with Gabe being her karmic work here....and knowing how much she adores him.....and how deeply she cares for him already....and the feeling is mutual........was just so so special.....and having all the things I know to be true about my girl be confirmed and more was so fun......Astrology FASCINATES me so deeply....and the more I learn the more fascinated I become, and the more the pieces of all of it make sense.....the divine, and the spiritual, and the beautiful dance that plays out every is such a beautiful mystery, and journey, and gift.....and all of the pieces, and the players......stepping in to make it all work......and seeing the intricacies of the three of us.....and the key points of who we are, and our life experiences, all coming together, so we can dance in this life together harmoniously........and help us all live our journeys, and be who we all came here to be.......feels really beautiful:)

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