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Lucky in love??

The concept of love has come up a few times this week, so I thought I wanted to explore it.....I have mused before on why some are lucky in love and others are not......some people finding that one true love....their best friend.....their person for life and they get to go through their whole life with their person, and grow into little old people, hand in hand.....and wow what a gift right??? And what I have come to understand some.....through my own understanding of my journey, and learning more about that love wasn't part of those people's lessons or work in this life......their planetary juju supported finding that one love of their lives, and they have other challenges that come their way......not having to do with love....we all have our own lots in this life, very unique and specific to us and our gifts and energy.......and in particular love shows up as challenging in my chart.....but not unattainable....clearly.....I have been in love in my life.....and have felt "lucky in love" at certain parts of my journey, and for extended periods....really extended periods.......but what is love really?? I have been thinking of is a magical and elusive thing, and so hard to fully articulate.....when we are asked about it.....we tend to list the things about another that we love and adore.....things that are in line with our desires, priorities, or things we hold dear......and we see those things reflected back to us in also lends itself to blind spots and not seeing things clearly.....or a person clearly.....I for sure have learned that.....and had that moment when I realize that some of what I believed and thought was there, under the ray of love.......wasn't there at all....and when that love light goes out, and the reality is staring you in the face.....then what? What is it....part of me feels like love is a reflection......that it is a reflection of the feelings we hold dear about a person.....not so much a mirage....but part of it not being is the story we create about our person.....a beautiful story of who we believe them to be, even if they prove to not be the person we thought they were.....casting our own love light upon them......and I suppose that is when disappointment and all sorts of stuff steps in.....I am hoping what I experienced at the end of my marriage is not the norm for such things.....the shock and awe that followed seeing somebody I loved and believed in so deeply in the light of day, was shocking in ways I still can't fully explain......I definitely think that situation was more extreme......but I think it happens in a smaller degree.....often.......I think love is created in our hearts and minds.....not really tangible or explainable....but there.....and most of it being born and created out of our own selves and our view of the other person....whether they are really that way or not....and seeing the best in somebody is love ....and allowing a person to be themselves is love .....and normally when we see people as their best, they show up as such.....most of the time......but not I suppose I say all of this to say, that in spite of the heartache I have endured in this life......which in my opinion is one of the deepest pains there is.. but despite having had that be my lot thus far......I still consider myself to have been lucky in love.....having found love.....and lived in love, and had love along the way......and I know deep in my soul that it is out there for me again.....and that perhaps since it is my work to be done, the next time it finds me it will be right and I will get it right in all the ways it has been wrong so far;) I believe that! Happy Friday:)

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