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Lines in the sand.........

I have found in this life it is up to us to decide what we deal with and what we don't.....and if we don't lay down lines in the sand, nobody is doing it for us.....I have had to do that quite a few times, and fairly recently in a few situations......and it is a gut what am I going to put up with? What is acceptable? What isn't? I was not good in my old life at laying down lines in the sand.......or if I did they would soon become blurry and washed away in the surf.....till the next time.....but I have found once you start to love yourself.......respect require the same in return......I require the people in my life now to treat me with the respect and love that I now treat myself with.....and when feelings arise that are bad......and unpleasant for me in regards of is time to draw that line.....and leave is a work in is not easy for me, as I happen to also be wildly forgiving and accepting of people where they are.....understanding the human condition is real.....that it is heavy, and it impacts us all in ways we wish it didn't.....and sometimes people need our forgiveness and it is a fine line I walk in the in between......lines and grace.......however recently I have drawn a few lines that I know must stay.....I must quiet that other voice and remain steadfast......because of the nature of it all.....and I will......I finally have the tools I need, strength I need, to choose no longer sacrifice my well being and happiness for somebody else......not ever again..... I won't wilt away while I pour all my reserves onto another........and when the self love thing steps forward, and I am reminded that I really love myself finally.....have made peace with that, and that I must behave as is such a finally have a clear barometer to help guide me in this finally understand where I should look when I am lost.....asking myself, is this situation honoring the woman you are now? The woman you fought like hell to be? If that answer is no.......then there it is......and it really is that black and white......I cannot expect people to behave like me, or even love like me in most cases......I get it......but I believe I can expect a clear effort in good faith, to give to me what I give to another......the love of ourselves and the respect we give ourselves really is one of the most important lessons in this life......because the truth is if we don't do it for ourselves......nobody else the lines I draw will never keep me in a box......never....but they will serve to protect the woman I am allow me to remain that woman.........One of the meditations I do pretty often talks about the importance of following our feelings as I mentioned.....using our good feelings as a guide to what we should follow intuitively in this life.....and I will go a step further.....following our vibrational space.....once you realize we are vibrational beings that thrive or wilt under life's stimulus it becomes a powerful thing.....a desire to align with stuff that keeps that vibration shining brightly......eliminating anything that threatens to dim that or distinguish our light. I lived that once upon a time......having my light dimmed, vibration lowered, matching what was around me........I won't again with anybody.....if it is to be it us to me;-) I have the power to choose the things that come into my life, stay in my life, and only want ones that will help my vibration elevate......not diminish....... Gearing up for another week by Christmas light with coffee;-) Happy Monday y'all:)

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