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Life's delicate dance.........

I have been learning that life is a delicate dance of what we should be holding onto and what we should be letting go of..... a dance of faith and effort.......letting things be what they will and making some stuff happen.......our holding onto anything in our life should not come with attachment......I keep reminding myself of that lesson, it is a big one......attaching to the journey not the outcome.....every single day.....never having all our stuff tied up in what comes and what goes......including is a way happier way to live.......I try my hardest to keep disappointment at bay, or have it not be there at all, by my trying my hardest to look at a situation for what it is......accepting it.....instead of looking through the lens of what I want it to acceptance there is indeed peace......I have a sign in my house that I have had for a LONG time that says just that.....I have found it to be true many times.......and have mentioned it many times in my simple but so powerful.......we have the opportunity to craft our happiness each and every day, by not railing against what isn't......and throwing our arms around what is! So many times the fear of disappointment or failure stops our steps forward. But that is where we go wrong......if we live free of that fear then we get to do whatever we want.....knowing if it works, it is ours.....part of the journey and if not then oh well right??? SO I work hard with that notion in my day to helps set me free when I can remember it.......and if I forget, which truthfully have with some situations as of late, it is the northern star that helps me find my way back.......I am practicing with this contest I am excited and putting effort in daily and attaching to the journey of it all! SO FUN!!!!! But knowing in my heart that if I am meant to win nothing will prevent that from happening, and it will be mine and if it goes another way all feels so good! I also am letting my intuition guide me, this contest feels meant for me somehow, and has since the beginning, so I honored the voice that told me to go for it......even though it was scary to put it all out there! Here I am about to be narrowed down to finalists this week in every group! Like pinch me for real lol:) Winning would mean so much! I truly believe we never lose in life......we just regroup and learn.....fear of all of those things have stopped me so many times in my life.....keeping me playing I am just going for all the things that resonate in my soul and light me up, and trusting it I needed this reminder this morning, maybe you did too:) Just attach to your journey, like one big road trip.......check out all those stops, take pictures, let love rule.....and let your heart, soul, and intuition guide you and trust that what is yours is yours, and what isn't is all good:) HAPPY SAURDAY y'all:)

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