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Life is meant to LIVE OUT LOUD.......

And I mean that........I think more people should try to live their truth OUT LOUD......NOT in the SHADOWS......OUT in the OPEN......where other people that may share their truth can hear it and see it and know they are NOT ALONE.......I also think you should really LIVE your step into your lane, hit that gas pedal, put the top down, and turn the radio UP........ wind in your hair......sunshine in your face.....and just LIVE it ALL......even the hard stuff....even the sad stuff....even the stuff that breaks your heart.....that leaves you shattered.......yeah even then......especially then......we get one life to live......and I always cherished my life.....felt it was sacred.....a privilege denied to so many........was grateful for ALL of it........but NOW......I am living my life like somebody left the gate open......and I don't plan on ever going back.......Running out of that gate and feeling the wind in my hair and feeling that sunshine on my face and nothing but possibility up ahead has absolutely captivated my soul and taken me by storm......I don't overthink things anymore....I don't analyze it all.......I just let it be.......if it feels good in my gut it gets to be a part of this journey......if it feels right I do it......if it brings joy it is a definite......if it helps me heal it is a MUST! I am embracing all that comes and not looking back........I never knew this layer of life existed......this space to own yourself......all of me without holding back......standing in my truth.....letting it wash over me.......accepting it......not fighting any of life has been turned upside down in nearly every way......yet I feel more like ME than I ever have in all my life.......and I am not sure the source of that it arrived......when it arrived.......but all of the sudden my eyes were wide open.......and this deep knowledge and understanding took over my soul........and with it it brought my permission slip to LIVE MY LIFE without making any APOLOGIES about how I choose to do that.......and it really feels good........I feel like the girl who sat in front of her computer screen the first night she posted about the end......sat there ready to hit post........and second guessed it for a was too real....too authentic.....too honest.......too much for Facebook to handle......and yet that girl hit post anyway....because thinking of living in those shadows.....and having people whispering about what happened......wondering where her husband went was worse than anything that could happen to her as a result from owning her truth.......that girl was committed to own the tell her story from the moment her world came crashing even though she was uncertain......scared.......unsure........she hit the post button anyway........and you know what.....that simple and brave choice changed her lead to this lead to lead to lead to encouraging words..... messages............hope..........and if you are reading this don't ever be afraid to own your story.....I promise the people that are meant to "get it" will and the people that are meant to walk it with you YOU........ each and every single day.........

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