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Letting it all ride........

Yesterday on our hike I was thinking about some things.....there is something about the clarity that comes to your mind in the woods....the clean crisp air......the peace.....the quiet.....and I was thinking some about my upcoming women's series and who I thought may join, and in the train of thought that ran through my head there was no doubt, or worry, or fear, or any of that.....and when I began my first women's series I knew that my faith had grown but there was still the little voice present......a little bit of apprehension at it failing, all of those things....but this time.....I feel none of that.....I know with so much certainty that who is meant to find their way to the series is really that simple.....and that all of my life is the need to worry, lament, or is already stacking up to do its thing;-).....I listened to the inspired nudge, and made the move to create it, and put it out there, and now my job is to let it all ride......and finally coming around to that way of thinking is freeing in ways I cannot even really articulate......I spent SO much of my life hanging on, white knuckling, and fiercely trying to muscle stuff into existence.....and I wish I had known then that if something requires isn't what you should be focusing on........not ever......but I just didn't know......and now I have stepped into this space of ease and intuition.....that guides my next that Frozen song....."the next right thing"....and that is really as simple as it is.....the next right thing.....then the next.....then the next and pretty soon those right things add up and magnetize to one another forming a path:) Like magic......two women have signed up so far for my in person slot which is exciting! I am really trusting it all and knowing with certainty the women meant to come long as I am consistent on my end, and following the spiritual breadcrumbs that find me......and make the moves I need to.....focusing and growing the things I want will all come into my life...... having done it once also greatly helps, because the details.....take care of being free from worry in this chapter of my life feels amazing, and the gratitude I feel from being freed from the anxiety worry wheel is endless......having my entire life implode and standing up tall in the rubble when the dust settled, showed me that.....if worrying and effort could have solved my marriage, it would have been solved.......but no amount of any of that did or could.....and every part of our lives is like that.......what will be really is that I so look forward to the universal magic that will touch my series and look forward to where the journey will take us all, enjoying every bit of the process and letting it all ride;-)

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