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Letting GO

This was really hard for me in the let go of let go of the things that were stop holding on tightly to what I thought I knew......I let go of a large part of him on that Thursday night by way of his leaving, the physical part of him walking out......... but then I needed to learn how to let go of the rest of him.....I am still learning..........turns out what I have learned is that holding on hurts and letting go just doesn't hurt as much......being able to consciously choose to disconnect from what is hurting you is when the pain stops......or at least fades enough......and I have been thinking of holding on and why we do it at certain times in our lives so desperately and so intensely.....I think sometimes the things we hold feel like home and we desperately want to feel like we are home......keep that feeling alive in us and surrounding us.....I think we hold on because of duty or feeling as if we have to....I think we hold on to benefit others......and we often hold so much....just too much....and stuff we are not meant to hold onto anymore......we hold things that don't belong to us.....things we are not meant to carry around endlessly......and once we learn to LET GO......and LET BE........the narrative switches the script flips in all the ways.....when you consciously release your grip on something that is harming you, you become FREE......I truly believe we are all on our own journey in this life.....and when we spend time and energy trying to hold another in a space that doesn't allow them their journey we create pain and suffering needlessly......sometimes we cannot understand the whys, or we see what is happening and want to prevent somebody something.......but ultimately they need to learn those things for I am learning every single day how to let go of so much........just so much of so much......and each piece that I release from my hand.......and from my grip........makes me feel better......there are still things I know I am not ready to let go of .....things that I am not even aware that I am holding onto.......I know that......and as those things come I will have to keep working on that.....learning how to let it all much as i am these days something comes in......a feeling.....a situation and I examine it and ask myself if it requires my letting go......and normally it does it seems......and then I LET IT GO......and in the letting go I am learning so much.......and getting so much better at it......returning to my inner peace I have created as my guide......and anything that threatens that these days just gets absolutely has to......and as I travel along I will continue to let go of things that don't serve my greater good, or my children's greater good......anything that threatens our peace......and if I stay committed to never again holding onto anything that is burning my hand......I should be just fine......better than fine.......

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