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Let them......

This notion is circulating on social media.....and I love reading it when it does because it resonates......the idea of letting the haters hate......or people believing what they want.....and standing in our truth no matter what.....and gosh that is so true right?? my coaching business I get to speak to lots of people......from lots of walks of life....about lots of things.....and the common thread is a pervasive feeling of feeling misunderstood some......and people judging them or their circumstance......and so much more......and well let so doesn't matter if we really think about it.....when you spend time knowing really knowing yourself......then that stuff has a way of not hitting the same way as it once I say none of this like it is easy.....because the truth is our feelings can get can poke stuff inside of can make us question much stuff......but the reality is that once you create a strong and stable relationship with YOU......there is not much that can rattle you in the same ways.....that is what I have come to learn......I know myself.....deeply.........and I may stumble.....but my inner stuff is strong enough now to right my matter the storm I find myself in......or what happens......remember those weeble toys......they would wobble some and then come back to their upright position.....I guess I feel that way sometimes lol.....:) But it is deeper than that is a deep knowing.....a deep return to myself when stuff comes to rattle my cage....and I do "let them"......whoever them decides to be.......rallying against what is is the quickest way to be thing that steps forward over and over for me is the importance of us understanding the people in our lives, and realizing that the experience they are having is million percent.....even if we don't understand it.....even if it doesn't make sense......even if it isn't what we think we would do.....and I use the word think never know what you would do if you were faced with certain circumstance until you are in it......and that is I guess life would be better if we would seek to understand believe the experience our people are having.....and I circle back to this sometimes because it keeps being illustrated to me....and the importance of it cannot be overstated.....I do my best to believe what somebody is saying to me, and believing it is the experience they are having as they see it......not questioning that.....people need to feel seen and heard......and understood.....and the safer spaces we create the if somebody is trying to diminish you or rob your peace.....just let is about them not you......stay true to you and your experience here, and let the rest work itself out:) Because it always will........Happy Saturday:)

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