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Let's get uncomfortable......

Much of my life, in the aftermath of my world coming crashing down was wildly really uncomfortable....and sometimes still is......but as time as gone on I have found comfort in the discomfort if that makes sense:-)....but the real goal, I now believe is choosing to do the stuff that makes us feel uncomfortable...pushing us out of our comfort zones and seeing what is found there....and I am seeking to work with women in the new year that want to get uncomfortable...shift their norm.....and find out where it can lead....I know so many people that are essentially the same as when I met them....I always find that curious....but it is because some kind of heavy trauma hasn't befallen them....nothing has shown up to force them to change, so they haven't needed to change...their status quo has survived their journey and life....and I believe now that we can learn to push that edge a little by our own willingness....not needing the world to come crashing down to do so...and I have learned it is a tolerance that is built, built in being uncomfortable....and acceptance of it....embracing what comes....and then standing up and facing it, and staring it in its eyes, and pushing back.....I face being uncomfortable in my workout every day....portions of it challenging me more than others....and I stand in that discomfort knowing that that is where the results and payoff is found.....I have a sign in my gym that says "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you".......truth.....and I am planning on adding to my fitness in the New Year, finding ways to push my buttons harder and grow my fitness, and my boundaries, and my willingness to be speaking my truth aloud for the world to hear after my ex left me, beginning THIS blog, was uncomfortable....all that truth seeing the light of day....and I stood in that naked truth and owned it as my own....and the payoff has been amazing....our brain is a magnificent can either be an ally or an is the place where our dreams and goals go to find their wings and take flight....or die before launch.......depends on who is at the helm;-) and those self limiting beliefs are the only things standing in the way of all of it....what we believe to be true about ourselves belief in myself and my hopes and dreams has grown exponentially as I have traveled these three years....and for the first time in all my life.....that belief is solid......and I STILL marvel at being and feeling fit.....still.....because at one point in my journey I believed it wasn't possible....that was a lie;-) So my goal in the new year is to push myself often out of my comfort zone, chasing more goals, dreams, and growth! While also helping others do the same! Are you ready to get uncomfortable?? Like really uncomfortable and find the gold! If so hit me up and let's figure out how to do just that:)

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