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Let IT BE!........

The Beatles had some wisdom under their belt;-) that song is most definitely true....

"When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom

Let it be

And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me

Speaking words of wisdom

Let it be"

And I think when I think of that song and the message, it applies to all of our lives.....and it got me thinking about that, but also our experience here.....I pay close attention to how I FEEL these days.....and what things make me feel happy and fulfilled, and I try my best to keep my vibration up....and the truth is when you shift your vibration things leave your life that are not in line with your vibration....not meant for you....a massive shift....and letting it all be as it ebbs and flows is the key to keeping your vibration higher.....not letting the rest get in....not really judging a situation, sort of letting it be what it is and pass by.......I have believed for a long time that in "acceptance there is peace".....think my boy taught me that:) But it is true, and I think that is what the Beatles were trying to say.....just accept and trust it....and gosh I do these days.....everything.....every tiny and minute moment that seems so small, that leads to the bigger ones.....becomes a catalyst......and this weekend my faith was tested some and I chose to default to surrender.....and to knowing that my path up ahead is cleared and ready, and that all that happens is for the greater good every day.....and I cannot express, and I know I have tried to before;-), the peace that comes in trusting my journey so fully.....and I was thinking what has helped me do that......and I think it is my faith in God and the things I cannot see.....I think it is my life happening as it has and showing me divine orchestration endlessly, I think it is my faith in the planets and the stars, and the mystery of the universe, and learning more about the astrological impact in my life......I think it is so many things......and however I arrived here, I suppose is not the point......the point is I am HERE.....and I am here for IT......letting IT be whatever it is on any given day......marveling at what comes and the gifts and blessings and experiences I get to have.......there is something cool coming up in my chart that is exciting to think of.....on June 5th Venus moves into my 7th house-

"Simply put, the Seventh House symbolizes your "cosmic plus one," and yes, that refers to romantic partners, as well as other important relationships in your life. Those with natal planets in the Seventh House tend to be very focused on relationships, gravitating towards partnership in all areas of life."

Venus stays there till October and crosses over my moon, which is a powerful transit when anything crosses your sun or moon, and my astrology gal thinks that there is a strong possibility that this is indicative of new love entering my life......:) In two weeks from today! :):) Exciting to think of, so exciting! The fact that I have the potential to fall in love in this life again is such a gift to think of the greatest ones, love is the point right??:)......but my default is just letting it all be......the ebb and the flow......being here for it all......knowing that it is all here as a learning experience and an opportunity to grow......and not hanging onto anything too tightly......just letting it flow and enjoying the ride:) Happy Monday!

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