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Ladies do yourself a favor and do this!

I have talked about my fitness journey in my blog many times and I am a novice at best, light years from personal trainer status;-) is what I feel confident to speak to....things you can do that get results.....I started my journey by running and still do some.....but I run sprints now at the end of my workout, and occasionally go for a real run.....not as the primary source of my exercise time.....and here is what I can share with confidence.....pick up some weights!!! Game changer....cardio is not the way, not the sole way, to the places you want to go:) And really if you are lifting and doing bodyweight exercises correctly and intensely enough cardio comes that way......When I started messing with weights and bodyweight stuff my body changed in much bigger ways....and my energy level increased too......When you build muscle you burn calories throughout the day, more bang for your buck;-) I started with 3 pound weights and have moved up to 10 in the last 2 plus years....I also have a 25 pound kettle bell that I use some.....and here is the thing you can start small....pick an area you want to enhance or change on your body......and look up some exercises to do and there you are:) I will tell you glute bridges and squats are huge for so much.....when you do strength training you start to see it translate into all areas of your life.....making your every day tasks legs have gotten really strong from doing squats and lunges for so long......and it makes a different in so much, like when I am bending down a million times to pick up after my kids lol:) Or hiking and stepping up high! So many things.......I also recently added bulgarian split squats and curtsy lunges and love them......I do sit ups and push ups too even though yuck right lol;-) And a bunch more that I have just looked up online......and I have finally surrendered to alternating arm and leg day....I do arms, boxing, and abs......and legs and running on the other days and take Sundays off.......I have some yoga poses I do every day as part of my warm up......and some barre arm stuff.....but if your journey begins with cardio....a regular walk......a regular jog......something that is amazing and keep going....don't misunderstand what I am saying.....any form of movement is so important.....but if you want to up your game some and ad some bang for your with weights:) the internet is a wealth of knowledge to help us novice folks and now I know some stuff lol;-) and some of it is trial and error.....I have tried some stuff that didn't work....I like my routines now.....feeling satisfied in what I have created and what changes I am seeing.....Again that steady Taurus in me can do the same workout day in and day out and not get bored;-) Sometimes I need to remind myself to mix it up! And again when people ask me about it all, the key in it all is consistency......consistency is the secret sauce.....what we do day after day adds up in the biggest ways.....I wish I had truly understood that sooner in a real sense:) If you commit to doing anything day after day results have to follow they just do! INEVITABLE! So go get it ladies, pick up something heavy;-) Do something today that your future self will thank you for:)

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