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Kitchen READY!.........

I spend the weekend all in on my to do list.....and it felt incredible.....I had lots to do, and enough energy to do was so beautiful out, and I had wished I had time to frolic some;-) but it was OK.....the windows were open, and I enjoyed the sunshine.....and got it all big task was to empty my kitchen fully so renovation can start this Thursday!!!! The journey to the kitchen has not been has been curvy some, and in need of my first after my ex left, shortly after tearing apart our kitchen, and then leaving felt really another betrayal.....I never would have started a kitchen renovation with him, if I thought he was leaving?? However now....... my belief in all those things have changed some, and I believe there is a reason this kitchen renovation is a part of the journey, and I believe deeply it was meant for me to design and pull is MY kitchen after all......the kids are excited to finally have it be done too......Mads feeling excited for our big skylight project in the we can see the sun and the moon and the stars:) We are both excited for a giant Christmas tree to add to our many trees, taking advantage of the cathedral now we will begin......I have some of the building materials I collected along the way to make it happen......a work in progress.....and I will do my best to keep the budget in the is a big thing to bite off, and I am choosing to be optimistic and faithful and not nervous about it meeting the man who is doing it, happened very much in line with it all falling into place.....and I have been patient in this process for nearly 4 years......patient in the understanding that it would happen.....and the way it would materialize.....and it the kitchen is dining room space will be the new place to make lunches, and prepare food....and I am already scheming creative ways to make food without a kitchen, or making a mess....and not grabbing takeout.....thinking I will rely on salads, and my air fryer for support in that! I definitely have some more sorting and purging to do with some of what I took out of my kitchen.....even though I filled two contractor bags full of stuff already that I am throwing is amazing what kitchen cabinets hold.....and I for sure forgot some of what I owned......a fresh start will be great! So my hope is it is complete before Christmas....and I can enjoy the holiday in it.....and my plan is for sure to have a big party to celebrate in it! This week holds a lot of magic in it, and I am grateful for it all! Happy Monday:)

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