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Kindergarten..........and high school..........

This school year is a big many many new babies have been home during the pandemic thus far......Madeline hanging with me, then her Mimi......and Gabe learning from our dining room table and then my felt better to have that piece in place......and now the unknowns run amuck in my head......even without a pandemic kindergarten and high school are biggies......two very different journeys, but milestones all their own......Madeline will be beginning Acton Academy here in Milford.....I am wildly excited for her. It will be the most amazing experience for her......she is perfectly suited for what Acton has to offer a young mind like hers, and she will be welcomed into a little school family that I have faith will serve her well as she continues her own journey, among all that has happened in her little life......Gabe is beyond excited to get back with his friends and go to school again.......and I had the opportunity to speak to his new teacher.......and she is beyond lovely and gets all of it......including the Covid piece and is on top of all the things I would want her to be........and his new program sounds wonderful, exciting, and just what he needs......and I head back to a full class of kiddos......a more "normal" looking school year this year, but alongside of that nothing is normal.......and then for me the final piece that feels so that "my person" not here to share these milestones with......and it feels sorta heartbreaking all over again......and while I know all the is better this way......meant to finding my way.......that part is just still hard......a swell in the ocean of grief that comes whether I want it to or not.......grief that will likely come wearing different clothes as we travel places I least expect......and managing a school year like this one is definitely a two person job not a one person one..........yet here I am........ I feel up to the task......have accepted that I am to be brave this year and keep my faith strong......and my gratitude deep......and my hope in sight........look forward to the new adventures my kids will experience.....while keeping their bodies healthy and strong.....vitamins, exercise, healthy food, and rest.......on repeat.......:). Have no idea what lies ahead during this year and have spent some time wondering and fretting some......which you and I both know is futile and a waste of energy and time......what happens in our heads is not normally what happens in real life.....the things I fretted over before last school year did not come to fruition.....the reality was I know my "work" in this year is to find my the journey for us all......know that the greater good is afoot in all of our lives in any given moment......and find the wisest part of myself amid the noise, that knows that whatever comes our way this school year we have the strength and courage to face it all and the guidance from above to endure.......I am hopeful that what lies ahead will be amazing....that we will all grow together.......and when we hit next summer, and some extended time together finds us again, we will be better, evolved, and more well rounded musketeers......I will miss my kids like crazy.....we have been together essentially since that first March......give or take when I worked in the will be a huge adjustment for us all......the three of us are truly buddies in all ways.....and my kids are so close to one another..... I am so grateful we had this time to do all we have before they embark on their new beginnings.......Saying a prayer for us and for all the people across America doing the same things we are......starting school......starting in unknowns.....being brave.....showing up.....doing it........we got this! Amen:)

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