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My soul is itching to.........

The start of school has been kind of a whirlwind and a little bit overwhelming some truthfully.......and between that and juggling some other stuff we haven't gotten out there to hike in a few weeks and I am most definitely feeling it......I am planning on taking the kids to Watkins Glen State Park this weekend and am super excited........I was thinking of waiting a little longer for the leaves but you know how that goes......things start to happen and life takes hold and sometimes you don't get around to it.......and the kids being away every other weekend makes that more challenging too......less time to do what we want to this weekend it is.......and I am still deciding if it is a day trip or will depend on a few things......but either way it will happen and I am super is supposed to be one of the best places in the US to hike and see.......the pictures online are amazing and I have heard from people that it is off we go, to another adventure........and my excitement to go.....or more importantly my need to go...... reminds me of my being reunited with nature during this part of my journey......and all the years I had forgotten how much I loved it......and really didn't even have the time or energy to think about it......and knowing I would go it alone anyway if I did.......but as a young person I always loved being in the woods...spent lots of time roaming in nature......and finding the wonder that is truly is so powerful........when you walk among the trees and smell the smells and feel the air you can sense its power......and there may be nothing I enjoy more than to hike a new spot......not knowing what is up around the next bend.....what surprise awaits or spectacular new sight there is to behold......and that is what I am looking forward to this weekend, and being with my kids, and doing our adventure stuff........but this time around it has been too long......I try and get us out at least once a week during the school year and have not done so......but now that we have semi adjusted to our flow I can be more intentional again......because I can feel my soul itching for the peace that is found there and to get out I am looking forward to finishing out this week and then meeting this weekend ready for whatever adventure and beautiful sights await:)

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