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It has been a week indeed! Lots of cool things swirling about and lots of things that are pulling for my concern as well......let's start with the great.....I had a great first week back at work......we have off was by far my best first week in a number of question! I am guessing that had to do with Covid the last couple of years but it may be more than that.....this first week feels much different than it has in quite some time:) I am loving my class and looking forward to the school year......had a meeting at Madeline's school last night and some cool stuff is happening there too! I love being a part of that community and all the people I have met there and it is such a special place indeed.....I am always grateful Madeline gets to go there.......I am feeling immensely grateful for all the people that have stepped forward to help me pull off my delicate single mom working dance;-) I think I have it all in place and ready for when Madeline joins the mix next week at her school.......My FB dating friend and I are enjoying chatting and getting to know one that has been a fun part of my never know where the world can take you for sure! So I will enjoy all the good that is coming my I go back for my follow up I am remaining faithful in whatever comes and hopeful it is nothing at all......glad to get it over with....some visitation stress has arisen that I am also working through with the kids, so that is playing in my mind.....and some personal stuff going on that is weighing on I am right in the middle of that yin and yang symbol at the moment......feeling bliss and some concern......understanding clearly that that is life.......that we must experience both for us to thrive and grow.......was also talking about astrology again recently.....and just how the understanding, or my understanding of the planets and what they bring helps me. Helps my faith.....helps me be braver, willing to work with whatever energy comes to be heard.....whatever lessons and energy arrives for me to work with......I trust it and love working with it all and embrace the adversity of it today I will just breathe....there is power in our breath and in breathing through what comes.....and having it bring us back to stillness......last night after work was crazy juggling it all and i just had to breathe to bring my center back.....and it all worked out.......our power lies in our mindset and our reaction to stress 100 percent of the time......if we can harness that space we can achieve anytime I start to get sucked into the rabbit hole of frenzy, I return to remembering I can do all things in the day that lies step at a blessing at a challenge at a time......on repeat;-)

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