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June 5th WHAT???

So this one is gonna be kinda fun;-) In life I have come to learn that what is coming is better than what has gone.....I truly believe that......that if something is removed from your life....especially abruptly......something else will come in its place that is far to that end......astrologically speaking the week of June 5th speaks of a strong possibility of love finally entering my life.....two and a half years later......the potential of a real relationship, all of it, and it is fun to think of;-) I mean....... I am already quite certain, that due to my ability to love, and being only halfway through my life that I GET TO fall in love again in this life, like what a magnificent gift, nothing better....:) I have always loved is in my wheelhouse to love people hard, and romantic love is one of my favorites......but here is the thing this time.....I have learned something really powerful.....I had written a week or so ago about loving people in a way that makes them feel free......I truly believe that.....they are on their journey and so are we......we need to free the people we love to live their truth.....not ours......but here is another piece......this time my mindset is not that "the one" will come to find me the week of June 5th or beyond......instead I am thinking of it as a man that is perhaps coming into my experience to teach me what I need at this point in my journey.....I do this fun soulmate meditation that I love.....and she talks about how she has used this meditation to call in many of the relationships she has had for the right lessons, the right time, all of it......and that is so true right??? Every experience we have in the significant relationships we form help us in the next one....change us and grow us......all of when and if love comes again.......I seek to not attach forever to it, and hold it under such intense pressure. If that is how it goes that is awesome, but it is not for me to get so far ahead of myself..... I am seeking to enjoy it in the moment, every day for as long as it is supposed to stay:) and trust, with all my heart that it will stay as long as it is meant the idea that fate, destiny, and serendipitous forces may be afoot, and a in a little over a week, is really exciting;-) but if nothing ends up materializing I also hold no disappointment these days, not nearly like I did once upon a happiness, my joy, and my satisfaction is now in my matter what......not subject to the actions of others, or something happening or not happening.....that simple fact leaves me the opportunity to get excited, about lots of things, that may or may not happen.....and the excitement is half the fun right?? I have learned in this chapter that we should get excited about our lives, no matter what! Every single day is an enormous gift with a big red bow....full of opportunities and things to learn and my plan is to be excited this week as June 5th approaches, and it all inches closer.....and see what I see......and if it comes and goes with not much fanfare, I will still be excited at what could lie ahead, every single day;-) I will also take comfort in my heart that there are more people in this life that I will love and that will love me.....whether that is friends or otherwise....and I am here for it! Happy Thursday! We are almost there, make it a good one:)

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