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It's a coming!

So the NEW year is fast approaching.....and that is always exciting to me...there is something about a clean slate....a specific spot to begin anew that entices is one of my favorite things about teaching....that first day of school vibe, a new start....a new place to begin a new the New Year is fast approaching.....and just as I now believe it is so important to be intentional about our lives and living in our day to day, because otherwise life just passes us on by..........I feel the same about being intentional about a NEW year.....being intentional about what you want to discover in the new year......what do we have to discover there....what do we want to find there.....what things do we want to do.....or try.....or places we want to go....habits we want to see take hold.....all of it.....and I know.......we all eye roll at the prospect of resolutions right?? Because well....they often fall flat and don't work......however that is how I am hoping to help women in the New Year, by coaching them to the places they want to go, and adding some insurance to that resolution....;-) Coaching helps bring into play accountability.....and it also helps bring you to your own wisdom, and what blocks are in play that are preventing you from getting to the places you want to be, .....and once those things get eliminated and accountability steps forward, well you are on your way:) So I am setting my own intentions for the New year and looking forward to what I could find in 2024:) It has been a run the last few years for sure;-) From 2018 on yikes lol:) Ya know a global pandemic and divorce and infidelity and stuff, how much fun can a gal have;-) but it is time to shift gears and go after other things in my life....and I am I don't like to think of it as a time to make resolutions......"a resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something"........but "an intention is a thing intended, an aim or plan"........feels better right;-) I think any time a human says never again to themselves they set themselves up for failure.....rebelling against their nature.....getting all defiant and stuff lol;-) instead.....maybe view this year as a time to become more intetnional about your life in general.....gently let better things come into your day to day....and release the ones that have to go......let the habits begin to stack naturally and gently......hitting Jan 1st thinking diet and hardcore exercise will happen just isn't realistic....especially if you haven't done it.....or changing your life drastically in any is only setting one up for failure, and to feel terrible about themselves....a gentler approach is in order, and I can help! If you or somebody you know is looking to be more intentional about LIVING in 2024, with some intention and some new goals reach out! I would love to help others make 2024 their best yet too! :) Hit me up! Happy Wednesday!

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