Joy.....I mean:).....And I have been thinking some on it and thinking about it.....I did my video on it yesterday.....and maybe it is the thing that drives my wanting to coach and connect with people when I can.....because life is hard too right??.....and sometimes those challenges steal our joy....but I do not think, and I have learned that joy is not just for charmed folks.....ones that seem to bounce along without much strife or turmoil.....except I don't know too many of those people lol:) Do you? lol:) But I suppose they exist, perhaps.....but the more accurate picture is that we all struggle, we all find challenges, we all find sadness and grief, and the list goes on......and waiting to be happy or joyful "UNTIL" is fool's gold! So we need to find ways to be joyful and happy amid all of it....and I try my best.....I am not completely successful always at doing that, but I am way better at it than I have ever been.......and conscious of maintaining it, and realizing that I have the power to not get sucked into the pockets of joy stealing stuff for very long....and when I actively harness my mindset and right my ship, joy finds me again.....and I am a chaser of joy these days lol:) And I don't mean joy that costs anything....I mean the kind that is found in a great workout, a deep chat or visit with a friend, a hike with my kids, a dinner I make for parents, a 15 minute meditation that centers me, a church get the of it.....positioning myself to feel the good stuff.....and I think as long as we choose those things joy can find us no matter what......after my ex left I thought joy had left the building....for good.......not because he was making me particularly joyful at that part of our marriage, but because I was SO sad and down and could not elevate myself for quite sometime to feel joy.....feeling I was a refugee wandering around a bombed area......blank look and lost......but soon it found me again through those decisions to seize the things above....even though I did not want all.....I had no desire to tie my shoes and hike most days, and then I did, and on the other side was glad I did.....the fresh air and time with my kids doing us so much good......and choosing to push ourselves past the initial resistance is the gate to peace and joy.....sometimes faking it till you make it....also choosing to see the positive in a scenario instead of focusing on the kitchen renovation has taken much longer than I thought......and what was originally planned for....and I chose every day to not focus on that, and focus on the beautiful kitchen emerging....and that choice paid off, and allowed me to find joy and excitement through it all....our mindset holds immense power in how joyful we matter what we I write about this this morning, not because I have all the answers.....but because I want you to feel joy too as much as you can:) Make it a good one:)
It is for us all......