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It is and it will.......

There is a lot of hate and violence out there.....and I have written about steering away from the news....not to remain ignorant, but in an act of shielding my spirit from the constant barrage of negativity.....and part of it is that I don't have cable, but the truth is if I had cable I would not be watching the news......any big news needed finds its way onto social media and the rest well.....I truly believe that our lives are only as good as what we surround ourselves with.....the people we spend time with, the things we do with our time, the places we put our efforts, our daily habits.....all of it.....and I believe we get to say what world we live in despite what goes on in the outside view of the world is not a negative one.....tainted by the fear that is being spread everywhere......I am not subscribing to that one:) I am not.......I am resisting the urge to have fear, and hate, and pessimism penetrate my life.....there is no room for dreams and light and hope in that narrative.....and last night I came home from work, and most of my countertop was in....and it is just beautiful.....I could weep looking at at first sight:), and it is exactly what I had in mind....and it touched me deeply....and my bar stools came early and my daughter excitedly went to tearing the box apart, and she put one together singlehandedly......she is so handy that way.....I would rather do just about anything besides put stuff together and read directions, even cleaning the bathroom lol:) But she loves that sorta I had her go for it, and she has one down and two to go tonight....and they are just perfect for what we needed, and wanted in every way....and a powerful notion slapped me in the face as we were hanging, and doing that.....and that is that EVERYTHING is always working out for me.....even in the moments that feel awful that is still true.......that notion strikes me often these days......and I have adopted that saying, and I whisper it to myself sometimes when stress finds me...I shared it with my daughter and she loves to use it too:) and it feels like 'I can do hard things" used to feel.....when I would say that to myself, and maybe as I type it they are similar.....a declaration that I will be OK no matter what....and I now believe that....I do not fret or fear or lament or fight.....I just float in this wonderful sea that is my life....and it is not easy, not by a long shot.....but it is extremely blessed, and I would feel the same if I was still looking at insulation in my kitchen.....but the fact that I am not, and I have this beautiful kitchen manifesting before my eyes makes this more humbling in ways that are hard to I hope to come home to that beautiful copper sink, and the counter all the way in, and maybe my dishwasher....not sure how those things work:) My gal will be putting the other stools together tonight before she heads to her dad's house tomorrow.....and well....things are always working out for me....and for YOU, do not ever forget that, I promise:) Hope and light lives right around the corner, I am living proof! Happy Friday! Look at that it is Friday already:)

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