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It is all energy.......

I don't think I have been more aware of the energy of this world, and the universe as I have walking this is everything right? For many people energy is I have energy or I full of life to do the things.....or do I feel tired and unmotivated to tackle life? And that is where their questioning or understanding of energy ends......and I don't say that as a judgement, only as an observation.......and for them it is likely that life hasn't yet pointed out to them the other ways energy runs through their day to many people get swept up in others energy storms......allowing somebody's gossip session or complain session swallow them up, and set up the vibe they live in in for the rest of their day......I see it every single day......or allowing the energy that comes into their experience dictate what they do or don't they feel.....all of it......we MUST protect our energy by not allowing other's energy consume also is related to the astrological energy that surrounds us as the planets move in and out.....a fact I knew nothing about, until I started learning......and now I am keenly aware of what goes on, and can feel the shifts in my world based on that energy......and have had my new spidey sense confirmed many times from my wise and talented astrology gal....:) It still never gets less fascinating to all these themes, lessons, challenges, gifts step forward in our lives, for the help us grow and evolve......gut checking us......becoming our northern star........guiding us to what is next........I wrote about momentum yesterday and feeling the wave I am riding......but it is more than that is more than the physical energy I carry in my day to day......or avoiding energies I do not want in my life.....or feeling the cosmic energy that impacts us is the energy between myself and the people in my life.....we can all feel that.....when energy between us and another is bliss......easy and fun......and when it is strained and weird......or uncomfortable.....or tense........or hard.......any of it......and I believe that we should be seeking that energy that fills us that celebrates us........and energy we celebrate......following our good feelings as the barometer in our life......right directly into the places we want to hope that when your own energy fills a room that people feel better for having been in your space......feeling your energy.....not wanting to run away from it;-) so protecting your energy from others and working on your own energy is good work to do I is life....magical and mysterious.......and subject to change in a moment.....when it is high and bright it is a gift.....and when it is low and fractured it is showing us a place we need to pay attention I have a few things set up, where I will be exchanging energies with some folks and I look forward to the experience of it all! Enjoy your Saturday:)

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