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It happened again......

I love all things is my favorite....I love everything about it....the sights....the sounds....the lights....the feel.....the smell....the treats.....the revelry....the tradition....every bit of it.....and I feel as if the last few years have occurred in such an odd way when it comes to my favorite happened again.....the kids are super sick, fevers, coughs, all the rest....and we could not go to Christmas Day yesterday......this is the 3rd time in 4 years Christmas has happened with us being isolated on Gilligan's Island for one reason or another! ....and I believe the Christmas before he left was tainted by Covid and isolation.....I cannot remember though....but the only Christmas the kids and I have celebrated in the last 4 years with family was last year...I spent yesterday in my bed watching movies with Mads....and Gabe was in his bed watching TV and I took care of them......I am well thankfully so far....but it was a colossal bummer......we got to see my parents in the morning for breakfast.....but my brother and his wife were traveling today to see her family and I did not want to get them sick, and besides the kids ended up in no condition to do the things anyway.....they slept most of the day away....and they would not have enjoyed any of it anyway........and I cannot imagine what it is....they just had Covid after Thanksgiving....and they don't have any body ache stuff that would indicate flu.....? But I think I will get to the bottom of it today....Mads cough is pretty bad, and she was up in the night burning yeah....sigh.....and there was no point in getting upset about just is....there is nothing to be done....and I have learned to accept things as they come.....just resign myself immediately to the circumstances of what is, instead of rolling around in what I wish it was...looks like we are grounded here this least for a few days....and I will focus on what I can get done....and just lean into the is just so strange to me that this has happened so much in the last couple of years....I feel the most for my girl....her 7 years have been clouded by so much......Covid.....and then the aftermath of his leaving....and her missing 3 holidays in her 7 years, hurts my heart....and for my stuff is his favorite........but we don't get to decide how life so many we will have a do over with my parents when the kids are well....and celebrate this week at some point.....and just accept what is.....all we can do:) Enjoy the day....

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