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It can't be avoided.......

There is so much in our lives that we try and avoid or control ......thinking that if we hang on or dictate what we believe should be well it will be so.....and so often that is not the way it works.......and there has been a situation in my life for quite some that I have tried desperately to avoid......throw back.....end......and it has been for so many reasons....logical ones......sound ones.....and that is who I am, a realist.....methodical in my thinking things through.......but sometimes life isn't like that.....and a situation cannot be reasoned away......and it takes on a life of its own....and this has been that way.....and the energy that has come to it to shift it and make it finally make sense fully is something I cannot explain......I really can' just found its way to real.....and now that the real has arrived I am blown away by how it is.....because conjecture is quite different than real life.....very different.....and I forever need to remind myself to not conjecture, I love doing it, and I just need to trust it all......and float.....I did my video about floating or fighting dad told me if I ever got into trouble in the river to lie back and float! And well that is a profound life while there are so many things still swimming in my head about all of this....logistics and was never to be was destined.....fated.....I know that sounds dramatic, but it is so......and as much as the end of my marriage came a calling and I felt the fated path beyond that......this feels the same in a different cannot help who you love or who your heart finds in this life.....and the cosmic juju and energy that surrounds us in divine timing is proof of that to me.....if this situation could have been outsmarted or thrown back into the abyss of the universe, it would have many times.....but it was like a boomerang.....and my living in this story is something I would not believe unless I witnessed it myself......and it is a good lesson for surrender control.....and just accept what is and enjoy the magnificent space I have found myself matter what.....and trust that the way will appear if it continues to be for a stepping stones.....and I plan on following it now, floating and trusting it.......counting my blessings this Sunday.....and looking forward to watching this story unfold further in my life.....and feel as if I am here for it.....all of it:)

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