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IT always steps forward.......

I think one of the most liberating things in my new life is my new level of faith in all of it....never worrying or fretting about anything....and even if I start and something triggers it, I am quickly able to default to faith and lay back and trust....and it is magical....and so ways that are hard to articulate....especially as somebody that spent too many years worrying and thinking she could control it all, and make it all happen if she just...........yeah THAT pressure is gone I listen deeply to my intuition, and follow where it leads, and pray........ and meditate.......... and trust that the answer will step forward....and IT always does.....I had mentioned awhile back looking for ways to supplement my income as a single mama, while my life coaching business is growing...and some things stepped forward, that I explored and realized weren't a good fit.....however I think I may have stumbled upon a good solution for me, and one that will work as I step into 2024.....there was a student teacher in our building....and she is doing an online program....and she and I were talking, and I learned that she also teaches students English online from other well as other topics....and it is a legit she has been doing for 3 years....and she loves it....and the pay is decent.....and I can do it from home, and not worry about paying for childcare, which was my make whatever energy I spend count, alongside all the rest of my obligations and responsibilities.....and there it that is on my docket this week to hammer out the details.....and explore it all and see what I can accomplish while I am off.....I also have some coaching ladies going into the New Year.....and that is growing steadily.....and these women are ready to crush their goals and make it that is exciting....I need to sit down and organize my schedule, and figure it all out! But the way in which it stepped forward, and my recognition of it...further confirms that IT always does......we need not get wrapped up in our humanness and fretting, and letting it all bog us down....I truly believe we are spiritual beings....having a spiritual that requires us to surrender to it some, and follow where it leads....and when I started doing that.....not fighting for stuff not meant for me....letting it flow.........a whole new world of doors and windows flew open.....making me realize that ease is the way....not fighting against....but surrendering I see my life as one big hunt for those doors and windows that belong to me.....and letting the ones that aren't fall away and close! So a new experience and opportunity may lie ahead, I trust that I will know as I explore it..... and I am excited to see where it leads! Enjoy the day:)

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