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It all adds up........

I had written a couple of weeks ago about how things were kinda intense in lots of directions and I was hoping it would ease some......but it hasn't really, and maybe if anything it has increased in intensity some in some areas.....and our life is about weathering all the stresses that come, and still living right beside them....not waiting for anything......because the truth is, and what I have found, is that our mindset is what creates our experience here.....not what comes to find us.....and I am working on a few spots where I need to bring my mindset back up.....up above circumstance....and it takes work and intention.....and I am here for it....because it changes is our most powerful weapon against all the things we don't want to feel on repeat....and I am talking to myself this morning as I type this too;-)....the beauty of writing for me is that I get to hear myself too:) So the power always lies in our decisions....the decision to make decisions to bring us where we need to be.....and honor ourselves in that.....and when I feel harried in the moving pieces of life, I know to lean in and love myself more more things that are good for me, and nourish my soul and spirit....and really nothing crazy is going is mostly the busyness of life, and the day to day juggling that wears me down sometimes, alongside a few other things I have playing on my heart and mind.....but it adds up quickly if you are not careful....and threatens to bring you under.....and it is my cue when I start feeling a certain way, to step back and start upping the things that bring me peace and joy......because if we wait for life to settle so we can be______________ fill in the blank, then we got a lot of waiting to do right lol:) we just have to dance in the rain sometimes, and hang onto the good.......our Pastor says "hate what is evil, hold onto what is good, and let love be genuine" all the time..... and I love that.....clinging to the good is the a buoy in the storm.....the waves crashing around you, and your focus and sight is glued fast to the one part of sky where the sun is poking through......or on surviving that storm.....laser focus.......and that is what will get you through whatever comes.......I think the other difference this year, is that alongside my own busy schedule, my class this year at school is good, but very energetic and they require a lot of my energy in the day.....and I am working harder on filling my cup back up daily! So working on finding that balance! So as I sit in this place I know the way......I know what I need to do to fill my cup even more, so I can pour in the places where I need to....and the places where I need to protect my energy more intentionally.....and I will do just that! Happy Wednesday:)

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