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Is it YOU?

I put out a video for my business yesterday with a specific client in mind to grow my business....I am seeking to work with women that are post divorce and looking for the next step, or some clarity on where they are headed, OR the woman that wants to conquer regular exercise once and for all.....and maybe it hadn't occurred to me before to get that specific.....but I think when we want to move forward in certain ways, it is important to get really specific and ask for what we having said all of that.....I am more than open to work with anybody, on any goal they want.....coaching is such a beautiful vehicle to get people to where they want to I am trusting that the universal juju will bring me the women I am supposed to walk with, and that getting more specific will be beneficial......I have had women reach out and ask questions, and some sign up to do some coaching, and it has been exciting to work on all of it, and move forward in the ways I want to.....the growing of this business has been a process that has required my patience, my faith, and my commitment to is a of trial and error, and adjustment, and inspired action, and so many things......trying stuff out and see if it works, and not doing other things anymore that don't work.....I have some new ideas as this fall, and new year will take hold, and I am hopeful that the ideas will take flight in the ways I wish.....In the meantime I am asking is it YOU? Are you her??......the woman I am seeking to work with at the moment?.....maybe you are reading my blog for the first time....or have been reading and wondering if coaching could help with anything you are seeking for some time? Or maybe you know somebody who you feel may be perfect for it all! If any of that is true please reach out:) I would love to chat and see what we see:) Today I plan on going to church and then having a fall adventure with my kids and mom.....and gearing up for the week before Halloween in an elementary school, yikes lol:) This fall has been going by so quickly, I think more so than any fall I can remember......trying to be mindful of the passage of time speeding up, and savoring the moments..... not getting caught up in the speed of it all! It isn't always easy to do as you juggle the stuff and make it week to week right? Each week seeming to be busier than the last;-) but it is always my goal! I hope you enjoy your Sunday too and get out there some:) And reach out if either of these women is YOU, or if you know her:) It is greatly appreciated! ;)

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