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The idea of intuition feels like such a vague one......if we try and qualify it or explain it......but these days in my life it doesn't feel vague at feels like it is what guides me each and every day......I am not sure when I started listening to my "gut" and following it but it has been a long time......I have always had strong intuition surrounding my children and things that I should do for them or not do.....and when they are not feeling well etc......and have been able to listen to the nudges in life......although when I look back I definitely ignored some of those urgings in my marriage and certainly in recent inner voice, the one that has my best interest at heart, was trying to be heard......but I was silencing her often......I believe strongly we have intuition inside of all of us......a place where God and the Universe communicates to us, guiding us on the path that is meant for us.....leading us to the things that are meant for intuition has been active lately.......trying its best to guide me into the new year and where I belong......and it is not easy to filter through the rest of the communication that comes to us in those moments......right? Fear steps forward, doubt, old trauma, false stuff that doesn't matter, all of it and it is in those moments we have to filter through the noise and find ourselves......ironically the last two days I did not meditate, was resting up in preparation for teaching from home today, and just never got around to it.....and I FEEL the absence of it, so clearly, that I am yearning to do just that after I finish this entry.....if I had any doubt of its value in my life the absence of it the last two days has shown me is the reason I can quiet the noise and hear ME and my heart in my day to day......bringing me back to my present and to my heart......and right where I need to be......we all have had those moments where we are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing....where things feel very smooth and serendipitous and we know we are following our North Star.......and those other times when we feel jangled and confused and we are letting all the other voices and noise take is a delicate balance, and it takes practice to really hear our souls in there......and the longings they have to share with the new year I want to get even better at hearing my soul and my intuition.......understanding what it has to bring to me......I assume there are folks out there that don't feel their intuition at is covered up under other things.....and I find that so shocking and sad.....and I would imagine their lives may be difficult in the day to day....without their navigating system up and running....and maybe they do tap into it from time to time.....and feel it if they get too far off track.....hard to say......and as I write this I am trying to remember the first time I became aware of this notion.....of the reality of its existence.....and I cannot.....however I am aware of the times in my life when I was ignoring it completely and the chaos that caused in my life...... and maybe it was just an evolution of being in tune with myself, and my heart, and a trial and error process of learning to trust it.....I would say too that the last year I have used it more than ever in my life.....having it truly be the thing that guides me in the day to day.....praying and listening for the answer that comes......quieting it all and waiting for the pull......and it is in the pull where I find my path........where my heart leads.......that is where I am meant to be.......I will continue to be grateful for that awareness and for the places in me that hear beyond the noise, and help me find the peace and the stuff, the real stuff I need to move forward in my life each and every day:)

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