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Intentional stuff.........

Intention is a beautiful of the superpowers we possess as humans as we make our way on our journey.....when we think of that word we may think of our relationships with others....and not intending to harm anybody by our words or actions, or intending to show somebody we love them.....but intention is so much more than is where we can make a plan to live our life on our be intentional with our time and energy every day.....not falling asleep at the wheel, but getting out there and going after IT, whatever IT is for each of us:) And this weekend I put intention into getting and providing Christmas magic for myself and my kids, and I have been doing just that:) Due to that intention.....many bumps and trials come to find us as we journey....sometimes in the most unexpected ways....but it is the daily intention I have come to learn where magic happens:) I am inteional about exercise and meditation nearly every day....and see the result of that intention.....and intentional about living each really living....not existing...because it is easy to fall into the yesterday we headed to Breakfast with Santa....Mads was prepared to grill Santa about her elves lol:) I texted ahead, lucky to know the crew responsible for the Christmas magic personally;-)....and she ended up wimping out anyway lol and not saying anything.....but he called her up as we were leaving to confirm what she needed about HER elves, to strengthen her belief and resolve about Santa and all his magic;-) and it was beautiful to watch........we have been going to that breakfast for years now, and it is our special needs community, and we love it and it is put on with such love. Truly.....and a labor of love from start to finish! Then I grabbed my groceries and came home, and did some chores and cooking to prepare for my parents to come for dinner! We had a fire, and built a Gingerbread House and had so much fun together. It is my parents birthday today, and I wanted to cook for them and treat them to an easy afternoon! I got to set my fancy table and entertain, which I miss in my new life....I REALLY do.......single people don't entertain as much as married folks it that was another intention that came my way last night.....realizing I need to be intentional about entertaining again because it is one of my bliss points:) And finding ways to modify that in my new life....and we have the church Christmas pageant this morning, and Gabe has a youth group Christmas party and Mads and I are baking cookies....and I am squeezing the last bit of holiday goodness out of my weekend with my kids:) And using that magic to sustain me for next weekend, and the first Christmas Eve without them.....I am lucky they are coming home that night....but it is yea intention matters....and I am watching the manifestation of that intention this weekend, and it has warmed my heart in so many ways! Enjoy the day everybody:) Get intentional:)

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