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Intentional magic......

Intention when mixed with commitment becomes magic.....intention, I have learned, is the first step....turning our head, or our heart, or inclination, toward something, or THE THING.....and then walking toward it.....with blinders on.....nothing getting in the way....And sometimes I have found that even saying them aloud, supercharges them power.....throwing out the intention into the world......I have recently found this great group of meditations.....that made me want to discuss intention again in my blog.........these meditations are geared toward manifestation....but it is really the intention piece, and how it lays it out, that I really enjoy.....they are Rising Higher ones....and her voice is amazing....and her use of imagery and language.....but it is setting the intention.....and the key to meditating in that space, is to get really quiet......still.....and let your mind connect to what is being said....and connect to the FEELING.....that your intention gives you......I have stood many times at my future lake house retreat space.....on the shores of the lake.....and felt it all...smelling it....seeing it....hearing it......all of it.....and my ability to get "into" my meditation space has increased with practice.....when I started, I struggled with getting quiet....or focusing my mind from wandering.....and it kept me from doing it for years.....because I felt that my mind was too noisy for meditation.....but that was just a self limiting belief.....among the in my new life I made it an intention and went after it.....and when I meditate.....after practicing....I can now go deeper....and remain present in it all much longer.....and it is all linked with intention....what we focus on growing.....I have said that many times.....what we spend our days thinking about....or focusing on.....or spending our time doing.....that is what we are growing in our day to day....and we need to be careful about how we spend our energy and time....we really do....because I think sometime folks are accidentally growing stuff they don't want to.....I know I can look back now, and see when I was doing that I have set some intentions that are starting to sprout:) I have expanded my workout to include some of those pilates moves I added awhile back, and am seeing the results of that intention start to unfold...have made some intentional changes to my diet and that is starting to take hold....and I have a few more up ahead that I made for this new year, that I am chasing:) And I am committed to putting blinders on and not letting anything get in my way.....I know the life I want to have now in this chapter, clearly, and I am very clear with myself about the fact that nothing, and nobody, is going to get in my way of achieving the life I promised to myself....and I mean that deeply.....the promises we make to us are just as valuable to the ones we make to others.....Where are your intentions? Might be a good question to ask? :) intentional magic, there is nothing like it:)

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