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I am feeling really inspired lately. Creative juices a flowin, in so many directions and about lots of most definitely is in the air. I had some other things I should have been working on last night, but I ended up sitting down and writing some of the stuff for the series and what the weeks will look like and feel like. I figured while it was on my mind, and all coming together, I should get it down on paper. I am also preparing for an interview next week. I applied for a library job within my district. I have my partial certification done, and would need to finish, but I am so very excited at the possibility of it.......I am behaving as if I will get the job:) Even though......not so sure, due to the certification challenge.....but I am doing leg work to see what I could do to solve that quickly......ending my career in the library at this point would be a huge gift......the perfect segway truly......when I was a kid I used to play school by the hours......the teachers in my school would give me worksheets, and school supplies, and I loved all of it......but the librarian gave me one of her old date stampers one day.......and well.......I ran home to turn all of my books into library books.........I put pockets in them all......and index cards.......all of it:) Nerdy girl stuff! LOL SO perhaps it was foreshadowing..... Long ago.......and at the very least having an interview for the first time in nearly 20 years is kinda a good thing......I am excited to see what that is like new life requires a faith and fearlessness every day.......and it has become easier and easier......I just trust what is mine is matter what........and what isn't will go.......and if I keep consistently building, and paying attention to my coaching business it will grow too.......I only have a few more classes.....and then I have to take my exam to be is exciting to think of.......I have learned so much......and really loved this program.......our instructor is so great is winding down much to finish and do......I get to be a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding next weekend too.......looking forward to seeing so much family I haven't in so long:) It will be great! The truth is inspiration is in our lives and speaks to us always......but sometimes the external noise drowns it out.......I know that was true for me for YEARS......I could not feel the cosmic shifts, and nudges because I was surviving.......and the hustle and bustle of life was too loud for me to feel it all inside of my my soul is who leads the day.......I walk around in my life led by the desires of my spirit and heart......not so much brain......I do more feeling my way through my day, than thinking my way through......and when I do that.....more stuff opens up.......more stuff becomes clear......more stuff comes to me......and it is the real stuff....the stuff I can trust......because it comes from the deepest parts of me......not from fear......not from lack.......not from anger......not from any of the places that are comes from my truth......and I am letting that truth lead the way!

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