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These days I feel inspired often.......inspired to do new things.....try new things.....push myself harder with exercise, just do more stuff that makes me happy. It made me wonder though where does our inspiration come from in our life.....or our motivation? Does it come from within us? Do we need to be in a place in our life to receive the external and internal nudges wholeheartedly? Or does it come from the people around us, who we spend our time with, and what they inspire in us? Or is it both? I have way more inspiration and motivation these days to create goals and crush them......or think of bucket list items I would like to accomplish.......Have wanted a tattoo my whole all of my life......just made a plan with a friend on a similar journey as mine, to go get one! Can't wait!:) I have really concrete fitness goals for myself that I am working on daily, and it feels good to see how much stronger I am getting each and every day and see that my hard work is paying off. Consistency is king! It makes all the difference, to just get up and do the thing every day and before you know see the results of that consistency! I started enjoying trying it out consistently too and feel it is a perfect addition to my may be one of the more challenging things I have ever brain struggles with silence or idleness, but I am sure if I stay the course I can get better at it each and every day! I have still been listening to music on a pretty constant basis......doing some singing and have been enjoying it immensely..........have yet to turn on Netflix or any other app and watch anything.......and I wonder what that is about? Did I use that before to numb out? To just pass the time? Or maybe now my brain is too busy with other things to settle down to a binge....or maybe the logistics of my life and time just don't lend itself to that right matter why I am in no rush to go back......I am sure I will when the time is right.......but for now music is saving me........I would have to say my three saviors have been music, running, and blogging........constants each day on repeat over and over........allowing me to keep moving forward each and every day......have met new people on this journey that add to the quality of my walk and offer their experience to help me through mine........have dipped my toes in a dating site......haven't done much with it except to entertain myself, by looking at profiles, some of which are wildly entertaining lol, and I wasn't sure it was a good step, but I needed it at the time to put a little skip in my record and serve as a much needed distraction from I just sort of look and get the lay of the land......and maybe when I am ready I will take the plunge......maybe but for now I am just watching and waiting for the right time...........I am just following my intuition these days, letting it guide me where I need to go and not doubting that it will......there is a certainty that has taken me over in terms of my path and my instincts on that path.......that the things that spark inspiration are the things that I should follow......and that if I do that there is nothing that I can't accomplish.......One of my favorite quotes........" A goal without a plan is just a wish!" Making goals and plans each and every day:)

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