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The last two weeks the energy out there in the world has been intense.....I feel like intensity has come to find me at every turn, and I have had to navigate some choppy waters.....and if you believe in astrological stuff, the planetary shifts speak to a great deal of that......but more than that, it is life....the ebbing and flowing.....and not all that long ago I was feeling and had written of some high flying energy, and was feeling as if things were falling right into place.....and that felt great....and the last few weeks, definitely not so great.....and not anything serious, just some challenges......but that is the thing.....we all need contrast in our lives, in our experience here.......can't be all high flying every minute.....there will be challenges that come to find us all....and I suppose it is what we do in those spaces that matters most of all......what do we choose when the rubber hits the road.....what are our go to coping mechanisms? It is important, lifesaving even.... And maybe it is a good time to ask yourself that?? I was trying to think of what my old ones used to be......I think maybe numbing out some on Netflix when stuff got super intense.....maybe sweets and chocolate to boost those hormones lol;-) Mindless eating........I still love chocolate, do not misunderstand;-) but I have found other ways to boost my brain chemicals when needed that are healthier;-) so for me, as everybody knows, I meditate.....I going to get in those woods this weekend, in desperate need.....and I workout......and I get good sleep and enough of it....greens and vitamins, and healthy food alongside pizza and chocolate lol:) .but last night I crawled in my bed......I needed to hibernate some.....Mads went to her dads......Gabe stayed with me.....he had strep again this week.......and is going to his dad's house today......and I just needed to cocoon myself some and recharge......and it helped so much......I watched a movie.......had some popcorn and just let myself be.......letting the energy of the last couple of weeks roll off.......I went to bed kinda early.....knowing my body needed rest......not so much physical but mental.....and I know that soon as the flow kicks up, it will be a different vibe......and I suppose the point of all of this is just to acknowledge this tough time out acknowledge the tough spots you have maybe faced too, and to reassure us both that it never lasts.......the good or the challenges......just an ebb and flow.......endlessly.....but what can help, is our willingness. to remain the eye of the storm when it remaining steadfast in the things that nurture us and feed us, when the storms come......and steadfast in the hope that soon the sun shines again:)

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