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In a pickle........

I am in a single mama pickle at the moment and in full "figure it out" mom is not feeling well.....took two covid tests that were negative, but they sent her for another.....and so we are keeping some distance between she and my dad till we figure it all out....and saying our prayers.......but in the now it throws a little bit of a wrench in the delicate workings of my working single mama machine.......and to complicate things a little further, Mads starts spring break Friday and I don't begin mine until Thursday of next week.......I am taking off today and trying to figure out the things......and I am out of sick time due to the insanity of this year, and am dipping into my extended sick, which I am grateful to have at my work also....... I don't share all of this to have a pity party, I truly do not......I am not feeling sorry for myself at is more an awareness of the situation my new life puts me in......and the fact that being resourceful comes in handy and being a problem solver is paramount......I know I will figure out a solution......will spend today working on it.....and somehow, some way it will work out.....and I guess maybe that is my point in sharing it......sharing that I am not stressing or in panic mode......because I trust so fully that the solutions will materialize out of nowhere, and I will make a way......yesterday my friend stepped in to do pick up for the kids due to the circumstances of her day, which was such a beautiful gesture.......and now I will have to problem solve the rest......I know too that next year I have to come up with a couple of different options to execute my life....and likely hire somebody is just a two hour span at the end of the day that challenges my party of I will keep being open.....keep trusting......keep looking for solutions to make it all work as well as it can......and I will breathe......and remain calm.......and know that life is a dance of calm and storm.......of squalls and sunshine......of peace and turbulence........of yin and just is.....and the key is the reaction we impart to what comes to find panicking and worrying about this hurdle won't change the outcome......worst case will be I have to take off and do it if that is is.......but I am hopeful I can find a better solution......having a support system on this journey has been a blessing of epic that is not lost on is amazing that I have my parents around to help and support us.......and now that they are temporarily out of the mix, the absence of their support feels vast, and I will need to find a way to fill it up! I have great friends and great support in all for today I will relax in the problem of the day being solved by my being here......and then I will figure out the rest as I go.....and feel grateful that next week is a short one and spring break is on the horizon.....whatever that will look like for us......and I will continue to trust the journey.....even when it gets rocky.......especially then.......always then.......

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