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I will rally.......

So I have begun to vacation with the kids alone.....the three of us......last year I took them to Watkins Glen for a long weekend.....and we had a great time, one of the best little trips I have ever been on......I have driven to Michigan with them.....Tennessee.....but that was to meet family.....but I did it alone.......we have done our day beach trips and a ton of solo hikes.....but there is an initial resistance that flashes in me beforehand.....a wish for a road trip companion over the age of 20 lol:) I have put together a three day little trip for next week in Niagara Falls, and it didn't work for a few of my friends to join, last minute summer scheduling being the it will be the kids and I.....and my feelings about that are complicated....and surprising.....because I am not afraid to take them by myself......I know that all of what needs to be done, and happen is within my power......but there is a little resistance and reluctance that is bubbling up, that is showing me that there is room here for growth......on a couple of being my newfound supercharged is my kids and I......that is our reality.....and the idea of doing nothing and waiting still somebody can come, or somebody comes along to join our lives, is not in line with my thinking either.....not at all.......if we don't do stuff together the three of us, as things currently stand.....then we wouldn't be doing anything......we love vacationing with my family and parents.....and it may work that friends may join us sometimes.....but it is really important for me to show my kids that we can do anything we want.....even if it is "just" us.....and us is truly is.....I have an excursion planned for the full day we are there......5 hour tour.....Maid of the Mist......Cave of the Winds......Goat Island......and taking it all in.....should be an adventure:) but it is in these places that there is room for growth......for the pushing of ourselves outside of our comfort zones.....and seeing what is found there.....sometimes you have to push yourself a little.....people marvel often at my taking the kids hiking alone.....wondering if I am afraid or if it is wise to do so???? If we waited to coordinate our hikes with others always, we wouldn't hike that much lol:) I am grateful I feel competent and able to do whatever is necessary when it comes to being a single mom and my kids.....I love long drives and driving......I feel plenty capable of taking care of my matter where the road takes us and life finds I am rallying past the part of me that wishes this trip was more than the three of us......for whatever reason that is this time.....and resting in the faith that it will be amazing like Watkins Glen was.....I felt the same way before that trip too.......and the more you push yourself the further you can......that is the truth! Self limiting beliefs are called those for a reason......they limit us......plain and simple.....and nearly all of those limits are found in our minds.....and all I am shifting my mindset.....knowing that we will have an amazing little getaway before the school year takes hold......and life gets hi def again;-) resist and rally is always a recipe for growth indeed:) Happy Thursday! :)

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