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I GET to fall again:) #silverlinings

Love I mean;-) I have been pretty fortunate in love in my life actually.....despite outward appearances lol;-) I have gotten to experience it a few times in my life in deep ways, and perhaps it was flawed, and not the forever kind, but no less of a is absolutely a gift no matter the circumstances, or the longevity of it.....and I feel so fortunate to have had the love I have had in my life to this point......and what inspires me......drives me some.....and keeps me lit up inside, is the idea that the last love of my life awaits me up ahead!!!!! final love:) Just typing that made me shiver with a few goosebumps....;-) corny but true.....can't help it;-) I can FEEL him out there.....making his way through whatever he has needed to, to find his way to me someday......and maybe kinda soon?........I believe that......I may share my love of being free and single....which I truly do.....all has been something I have enjoyed way more than I ever believed I could.....or that is a fact......but I am also.......a deeply loving and passionate human......and a hopeless romantic.....subject to those things, despite the nudging of my practical side;-) I just can't help it really, I love love.....and I am good at loving people.....mostly......I have flaws like we all do.....but I love people well.....fiercely........and with a loyalty that cannot be matched by most humans........and I am likely more aware of my flaws in this chapter than I have ever been before....working on them, and challenging them, and knowing what needs to be different when love finds me again......and when I have written about love before I have sort of left it hanging in the maybe it will, and maybe it won't place.....but I am taking the won't part WILL happen......of that I am certain...... I don't believe I will roam the world alone for the second half of my life.....despite knowing and proving to myself that I could, and having a helluva a good time on my own.....and that is powerful, in the knowing......that whatever happens moving forward, I can have a joyful and fulfilling life as a party of one.....but having proven that to myself the last two years I know my party of one will not remain all of my days......I am far too alive and passionate in this part of my life, to roll alone till little old lady status;-) so I know he is out there.....and that divine timing is waiting to do its diving timing stuff lol:) That timing is indeed everything, and that when it happens it will be just perfect.....and I am surrendering to that notion.......I was driving back from visiting my cousin yesterday thinking how fierce my faith has ALL areas of my life......knowing that the answer will be clear.....the why and the how......all of it........and I am proven right about that time and I GET TO FALL IN LOVE again in this life!!!! How lucky am I??? Is there anything more delicious than falling in love??? I can't think of many ;-) and it is such a gift and that won't be lost on me when the time arrives......not one single second of it, he is out there,......of that I am certain:) and maybe for the first time.......I am ready:)

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