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I found more of MY people;)!!!!

I cannot fully articulate how different my life feels now, in my new life....there being a stark contrast between the then and now....and that is how it works right..????..A trauma comes to find you, and you cannot exist as you did in the space cannot remain the same human ........and you must evolve, transform, or acclimate to the after in some is part of the deal....and becoming the woman I am today was a lot of work, and excruciatingly painful....I faced a lot of demons to find my way here.....did a lot of self examination....clawed my way to healing.......but I also heeded a call....a clear call that rang in the depths of my soul...and that call was to use THIS story....the one that was thrust upon me to change use THIS story to reach other women suffering like me.....or to help women in general......empower them, lift them up, hear them......see them.....hold space for them......all of it....and last night on the zoom that I was a part of, for our upcoming book was a union of myself and MY people.....:) EVERY single person called to this book is on a similar mission.....a mission to use their story,their voice, their suffering, their desperation, their pain, their suffering, their darkness all of what they endured for good.....wanting to write books, speak on stages, create non profits, change the world.....make others feel that they are not alone......that there is light on the other side of darkness, and remind people that the sun always this morning I awake with more fire in my belly....more purpose in my soul, and a clear understanding that I am EXACTLY where I am supposed to be......RIGHT now.....that my finding my way to THIS project....THESE people, is not by accident....and it felt so good to be in the company of people that GET it.....get that mission that calls to your way to resist it, or push it away, even if you wanted blog, and the beginning of it spoke so deeply to me....beginning the journey to this understanding that I should not hide away behind the end of my marriage, and HIS infidelity.....and betrayal....and that I needed to stand up, and look the world in the eyes, and tell my story.....loud and clear....and that inclination found me so clearly...SO crystal clear.....and it all spoke to the depths of me in a way that it became a clear path to this place, leading to my desire to become a life coach, at first not realizing the vehicle to share my story....but then that piece falling into place too.....and wanting to write my book.....and wanting to share my story aloud.....and all of it leading to right here......There are 20 authors like me.....ones that had trauma come and find them....and ones that have overcome those stories.....finding triumph, hope, and light on the other side.....and we each get a chapter to tell that story.....past, present, and future......4,000 words.....and then we have a place for our call to action......a way to call people to the mission near and dear to our hearts.....and it was such a humbling and beautiful experience to sit among all of them....all of us having a different story....but sharing a common thread.....a tie that was a risk and a leap for me to jump on board with this.....requiring a little financial commitment, and a leap of faith into the things I cannot see......but it spoke to me to take THAT chance....and last night it was made clear to me that the decision I made was the right one, in every single way:) We are meeting monthly to collaborate and work on our project....and on March 4th I will be speaking again on an online summit.....we will all be sharing our story there....and it will be giving me the precious opportunity to expand my sphere of influence, and move my dreams inevitably land one my lakeside retreat property to help women, and children heal post divorce and step, one inspired action, one blessing, one dream at a time:) YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):)

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