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I figured IT out.......

I have been reluctant to call what has happened to my life a "spiritual awakening" but today I am and I will......I know that term sounds so dramatic, I get that, and if you have trouble believing those things it may sound hokey too.....but hopefully by now you trust me enough, after reading my heart for so long, to believe in what I am saying.......and truth is I am not sure why my soul was given the opportunity to have this experience......why my trauma catapulted me into a true awakening in every sense.....but I read some about it last night and every single "sign" that you are having one is there........the cause of them being some profound life event or trauma that begins starts by feeling detached and disconnected in the trauma of the event.......then you begin to reevaluate your thoughts and beliefs.....reexamine what you hold to be true......your dreams become more vivid and more synchronicities come to find you, repeating numbers or signs, and your awareness of them is heightened........your relationships with the people in your life begins to shift......the end of some of those relationships, and the beginning of some new ones, and some people that you love will struggle to understand the changes that have taken place in you and your life.........spirituality becomes an important part of your life in every single become more intuitive and your intuition becomes can sense inauthenticity and manipulation more come to the deep realization that everybody is on their own path and you don't feel the need to control their start to have a deep desire to be of service to others and change people come into your life to teach you too, and show you the way to the new things you can feel alone in the depth of all of it.......and feel others don't really begin to feel more connected to the natural world and nature.....finding peace and understanding there.......all of your senses become heightened......physical, emotional, and energetic stimuli.........bodily sensations.....sleep disturbance........sudden change in habits and routines......ditching old habits that do not serve you and replacing them with ones that do.......your outlook on the world feels really different......increased empathy and compassion.......a newfound curiosity in see what I mean??? Every single one of these resonated in my heart and soul one hundred percent.....and then I learned there are different levels of awakening and I have passed through a few, there are 5 from what I gather..........and from the beginning of this I have felt the profound shift it has brought to my life, but never did I dream it would be this profound.......even if I wanted to, which I don't, there is no way back to the old me.....the new me is so "AWAKE" in this part of my life, that she and I do not have much in common anymore in a true sense.....and I had wondered all along how these things came so easily to me to some shifting my habits, exercise, blogging, meditation, and my and beliefs, or my yearning and desire for the woods, and I really believe it is the force that has taken over my life.....magical......mystical.......divine......God, the Universe, spirit......the planets.....all of it.....and I say none of it to be hokey.....truly......please know I know this is hard to understand unless it has touched your anything you don't know till you know......but to me it is as true as anything else I have ever known.......I have a deep sense of the truth that lies in the awakening that has touched my life......and I am guessing it came to find break me wide open, so that I was able to walk in my purpose, and understand so clearly what that purpose that is exactly what I plan on doing......using it as a giant spiritual springboard to propel me into all the places I belong........trusting the wisdom and intuitive forces that have been guiding me every step of the a lovely divine GPS.....keeping me on course and keeping my commitment to it all steady:)

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