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I don't care.........

This blog may be hard for some people to understand......I fully get it......because the me of once upon a time would have had trouble too......but now I totally get it......was listening to more Abraham Hicks yesterday.......and she had a whole thing about not caring...and it resonated so deeply with me, and I have been living it and doing it and it has helped so much that I must stay with me:) So I have mentioned that I am kinda used to feeling good these alignment.......having synchronicities come and meet me........cruising on my path, my cosmic highway, and loving my life........realizing after all I have gone through what a precious gift my life is, and hell bent on not wasting anymore of it on it on anything that doesn't serve the greater good.......being mindful of the influences that come and find me........separating myself from ones that bring me down.......all of that is what this sort of was in line with it.......if we truly want to live a life that fulfills us and brings us joy, peace, and happiness......beyond believing we deserve it to some degree and that it is the point of all of this......which we have to believe that and understand that we are meant to feel good........despite whatever comes to find is up to us.......if we want to live like that, we have to say I don't care to anything that isn't it.......not get swooped up in somebody else's swirling vortex and get swept away.......or in a set of circumstances that threaten that.......and that feels selfish right? It totally would have in my old life......but now that I have some perspective and hindsight I understand that back then I cared about EVERYTHING.........all the things around me, and was subject to be yanked around endlessly, and never able to maintain the center and calm I can now.......because I was subject to all the stuff around me dictating my obviously I am not suggesting you become cold and callous.......not by a long shot......caring and loving people, and empathy and compassion all of that is where the gold is.......we just cannot absorb it all and be subject to its knocking us out of where we are headed......and I have practiced it with him......I used to care about so much when this happened..........spent hours talking about, contemplating, wondering why.......trying to figure it all out.......and it never helped me achieve an answer or just proved to drag me down in low vibrational space.....and feel awful..........the moment I learned to not care.......not be subject to what he did or didn't.......not let it affect me in any real way anymore the game changed......I just don't care.......what he does or doesn't anymore......not in a real sense.....and once in awhile the caring part of me will be poked as grief or something big steps forward, and it knocks my high flying feelings down in an instant......and it is proof to me that what I listened to yesterday is true......she talked about when you are in a relationship your happiness cannot be in your partner's are not looking for them to "make you happy" own decide to stay in your own vibrational peace and happiness by not caring so much about external stuff.......even what your partner does or doesn't do......they don't hold the key.......she talked about walking into a volatile situation and having it have no affect on her......and I understood that too......I have had to be in hugely uncomfortable situations through this.....that I have made comfortable for me by doing exactly that.......hanging onto my vibration and not letting my cage be rattled, but removing caring about is powerful........we can make ourselves miserable by being caught up in a bunch of stuff we don't need to......and we need to really be mindful of what we care about and allow into our space.....otherwise we live in a yo- yo space.......unable to maintain anything at these days it isn't that I don't care about the contrary actually......I just don't choose to focus or care about anything that takes me away from my goals and dreams.......and being happy, healthy and high flying feelings mostly......that is what I care most about, for myself and my kids, each and every day!

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