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I can only hope!

So I got news that a couple of the people I went to the high school reunion with last week and were hugging on, tested positive for Covid while I was the same time I started to feel unwell Wednesday night, and I took two Covid tests, one Wednesday and one Thursday and they were both negative......and the sinus ear thing I have been feeling is one that is familiar to doctor called in an antibiotic and I thought I was feeling better some....I powered through and drove 10 hours home yesterday....but this morning found me feeling a little cruddier and I took another test just to be sure....and am positive.....sigh.....aren't we so tired of Covid already?? This is the second time I have had it....I had it way back when a year after my ex Christmas time......I do not feel too horrible....just some congestion and sinus pain and I am tired.....but now I feel awful about my parents and my kids......and am praying they don't get far they are all this is for sure in the acceptance pile.....nothing to be done about it....just gonna ride it out and take my vitamins....and hope the kids and my parents are spared....I still find all of the Covid stuff so dominated all of our lives for so long....and is still hangin round.....and it is tiresome for sure.......and I really did not think it was Covid this time because last time I could tell....I felt weird, and had strange symptoms, and it was like no other virus I had ever had.....this time it feels like a sinus infection cold kinda thing...that I could have had many times before.....I have given the kids and I a break from our vitamins over the summer and maybe that was a mistake...I hadn't been sick all of last year and I attributed it to my vitamins, exercise, sleep etc.....but I was definitely closely exposed at that reunion of the girls I was hanging with closely came down with I am loading up on vitamins...and planning on getting good rest.....and just accepting what is.....I saw a meme the other day that spoke to had two umbrellas and rain and it was talking about true acceptance....and the one side said underneath "it is raining" and the other side was a list of lamenting type "I hate rain"....."why does it have to rain" etc. and well that is how I feel today....I have was not my plan....but it is.....and I am just accepting it, fully......and I trust I will be fine, and it will make its way through and be gone.....I am proud of myself for making the drive was for sure a challenge....and I definitely feel a little worse today than I did that was a blessing....we had an amazing trip despite the way it ended...going to take this opportunity to slow down some and just chill......Enjoy the day!

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