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I am on a mission today!

Happy Saturday! Gosh I love Saturdays and the energy they bring to the table! Full of promise, and wide open for whatever needs done, or delicious plans! As for me today I am planning on deeply cleaning my home, spring cleaning kinda vibes, sans spring...yet;-) and PURGING......I am feeling boxed in by stuff and clothing......the kid's rooms are just brimming, and it is time to spend a day intentionally thinning stuff.....I look around at this house.....4 bedrooms 3 baths.....and I feel so so grateful to live here.....and having gotten to keep it amid my earthquake.....and after the dust settled......but it is a lot for one gal to keep up with amid the rest.....and financially it is intense, but until the real estate market does a different thing it just is......but I guess my point in bringing up that piece, is that my house, MY home......houses all the trappings of a married couple.....a middle aged married couple, that had acquired the married 'STUFF" and I am over ALL OF IT, if I am honest......but the Taurus in me doesn't want to part with some of it....."just in case".......just in case I need it later in my life.....I am really practical like that.....My Nanna and I shared the same birthday, and we were so close, and I feel like her now lol:) Holding onto ALL of the things I haven't even touched in years....."just in case" today I am planning on powering past that part of me......and donating stuff......putting stuff away to sell.......and throwing stuff out that needs to go......surprisingly I already filled an entire dumpster a couple of years ago....after he left.......and yet......and I haven't been buying more stuff, not in any substantial sense.....just clothes and shoes;-) but still....I should not have all of this....I am gonna grab a workout! Crank my music and then get to it.....and I plan on hitting my bed later......satisfied and exhausted by all that I have accomplished;-) It looks like I may have some snow to push off too.....didn't realize it was going to snow! Tomorrow we celebrate Mads for her birthday Monday, and I plan on putting my Valentine's decorations away, and busting out my spring ones! Maybe if I do.... spring will find its way to us sooner;-) Enjoy the day!

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