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I am in need of something......

My Covid journey is wrapping up......the fatigue is lingering some and I am hopeful that will vacate soon, and I could smell something that was pretty strong faintly yesterday, so that is progress:). But I was thinking the last few days, I am in need of something special for my soul.....a weekend road trip with a friend......a massage......something.......I have been under extreme pressure since all of this began......I would like to say since the beginning of Covid, but truth is it began at the beginning of his affair.....and since that moment my life has taken on a hi def quality that has been intense to say the least;-) I feed my soul daily in the choices I make in my life.....the self care support I give my mind body and soul.......but I think it has just occurred to me I may need a little more adventure of sorts or something to give me some much needed rest.......and relaxation......and connection.......because the other piece of this is the extreme isolation Covid and his affair has brought to my life.....I am a hugely social kinda gal and that has all been brought to a huge halt in my life as as the pressure at work ramps up, I will need to get more creative and intentional about finding ways to reset.......and that is what I plan on doing.........finding ways to really feed myself on a deeper level......even if it is a small gesture I offer my soul.......the next few months at work I am afraid will be bumpy.....I still am so grateful we got Covid and did well with it, because it seems totally unavoidable at this is truly everywhere....and clearly as contagious as can be.......I started my life coach class back up last night after the holiday break.....that feeds my soul......the learning and the takeaways that class evokes in my mind and heart......the understanding of the coaching process and how it will be translated into my life.....and into the life of others......excited to think of it all these pieces I have in my life already to fill me up......and to support my children.......offering them a mom that has a cup to pour from are all paramount to it all......but I am feeling I may need to up my game a bit and give to myself a little more in some really restorative way, after all I have endured the last few feels a little bit like what returning from war must feel like I suppose.....your body a little weary of hanging on so tightly to fight the battles that were required.......steeling yourself......being under attack........and needing to stay ahead of it all......and then as the battles you fly back home to your life........there is an awareness that you can ease up some.......not hang on so tightly.......and then what? How do you recharge that part of yourself........I plan on discovering the answer to that question......stay tuned:)

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