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I am a single mom.........

Typing that takes my breath away. Like literally, there is no air....... Not because I have ever had anything but mad respect for the fierce single mamas I have been blessed to know, but because I never thought it would be a title I would own......Not because I was up above it.....but I truly thought on my wedding day all those years ago that I would be a little old lady when he and I parted ways. Lots of wrinkles and some grandkids under our belts. Never imagined the journey without my partner in crime. Not even for one second..... Over the last two weeks, gosh has it only been that long??? I have had people use that term several times, and always positively, like you got this girl. Which is so very true. I so got this, I know that deep in my soul. That isn't the point really though, because I don't care how brave or fierce you are, that term is a little intimidating for sure. It is just so enormous. Like standing on the edge of the world. Like you are about to climb a mountain or cross a canyon..... It holds all sorts of connotations, all sorts of implications. They really are endless..... Like in addition to the normal weight mamas carry on a regular, now for me it is coupled with the fact that it is just me there for them for the most part, and like now I need to literally live forever. Amen;-) I am blessed to make a great living but one income no matter how great, ain't easy these days. Will I have enough to give them what I want to even with child support? We were just hitting our financial stride in life...... What if the furnace quits, that is a much better problem to have as a team not as a party of one..... Not having another grown up around, so so weird. It just is..... Being able to share and enjoy our kids together, been missing that too....So here I am, standing on the threshold of my new life, about to own a title that I absolutely want to do justice to. One I never thought would be bestowed on me. But life is like that.......the unexpected at every turn... Single mamas all around the world, you are the light and you make this world go around........I am honored to join you..........

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