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Humbling challenge.......

So before inflation arrived I was doing OK on one income......not feeling it too much and still able to do most of what I wanted and make it all work somehow......I mean let's face it.....two incomes are definitely superior to one, despite the fact that I am so grateful my income is what it is now after nearly 20 years in education:) as the prices rise I am feeling the squeeze.....and I know I am not alone by any means and not complaining either......just acknowledging this part of the journey.......the financial adjustment has been a part of this question......making decisions and thinking about stuff I haven't had to in a really long time......and maybe this year's heating season has brought it to the forefront even more......this is the first time I am conserving heat in all my life maybe......keeping the thermostat at 60.....supplementing with electric heaters that I just bought, and hoping it does the trick.......and keeps me afloat.......remembering all the past years where I kept it at 70, and paid for it over and over, without a second thought.......and for me hasn't been upsetting to me, it is more of a circumstance that I am trying to glean lessons from marvel at the my 20s my financial life was hard.....and I suppose my 30s were about getting on my feet and becoming solid, and I was just basking in financial ease......not thinking about money at all......when he left......finally arrived so to speak;-) and now it has taken me backward some, no question......and it is really has never been my primary focus in my life and I am happy if I can cover my bills, and put food on my table, and have some for the little extras in life that we need and that life requires.....and planning that Watkins Glen trip on a budget was sorta figure out a way within what I had to spend for it:) I am working on building my life coaching business, knowing that will continue to be blessed and help supplement my life, and can always get a second job if I need.....I do not worry about any of that.....I have worked multiple jobs and done lots of things over the years to make ends meet.......and this season of my life is about conservation.......conservation of my heat and resources......conservation of my energy and time and where it goes.......being mindful of all of it, and where my money goes......and making choices that reflect it.....and at the end of the day, I am just grateful too......I have no idea how the folks making minimum wage are making ends meet with the cost of makes my heart truly go out to them, and I am sure their choices make mine look silly.......but life is relative right? And my experience is my own? Valid in its own right...... So my acknowledgement of my experience and the challenges is just as valid as anybody else's experience.......So I will arise to the challenge in front of me......trusting that all will be ok, and I will always have what I need in a real sense......and that like the rest, this is a temporary season......I know where I am headed, and know that this will not be my experience for long......a bridge so to speak to my new life........;-) faith over fear everyday, and hope over despair, and embracing the lessons on repeat!

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