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Hopelessly Romantic........

My blog has become my journey through going from a deeply married person, to a suddenly single life being turned upside down, and my journey through the aftermath.....and I do my best to blog as honestly as I am able, and as fairly.......and often times I express how much I do love to be single.....often.....and I mean it:) I do talk a good game and I truly mean it and am honest..... but I am also a hopeless romantic.....there is also a part of me that loves love and all the trappings that come with it......and I am so hopeful......that romance has not died.....that there is a fella out there like me, hopelessly romantic like me:) I love doing thoughtful and romantic things for my people....and have many times for the men I have loved.....and it occurred to me recently as I think about what could be up ahead for me, and if love will be found for me again in this life......that romance will be one of the things I hold out for.....somebody that has mastered the art of it, and means it.....I am hoping in our modern world it is not a thing of the past....I am hoping there is a romantic heart out there waiting to be find by mine:) Waiting to embark on a romantic Olympics of sorts.....being driven by a sweet love that seeks to delight one another often.....I have always loved romance movies, and romantic books.....and I suppose the idea of love and the experience of it has always captivated me.....even when I was small.....and there are some folks in my life that have a love between them that is lovely....and true.....and the real deal....and romance lives there too....and romance may seem like a frivolous thing to hold out for by some folks....but its meaning is "a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love".....and well......there is not much better....and I think why it is so important or why I do think it is a piece to aspire to, is that it implies thoughtfulness and be romantic, or to feel somebody being romantic toward you feels like intention and kindness......and consideration......and well that is most definitely what I aspire I write about these wishes of mine from time to time, to give them room to breathe and manifest....and I believe it has worked along the way in my blog:) My topics in my blog coming to life to find since romance was on my mind, I thought why not give it some linguistic LIFE:) And watch it meet me up ahead on the road of life......Stranger things right.......Happy Monday:):):)

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