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Hey there Pluto! ;-).....

Pardon me as I indulge my astrological fascination today;-) Pluto made a big move yesterday...moving from Capricorn to Aquarius.....and Pluto's transit will be for the next nearly 19 years! Crazy right? We only get to see a few Pluto transits in our lifetime because it is such a long transit.......Some astrologers believe that Pluto's impact the last 19 years in Capricorn, was showing us big business, and financial giants, and impacting money matters, and Wall Street in our society....Capricorn stuff......and having it move into Aquarius will revamp our society as we know it....a move toward more of a focus on individuals, forward and futuristic thinking.....Aquarius being focused on the people, and the humanitarian side, more so than big business......large scale societal moves, and perhaps a revamping of government as we know it......but all of the impact remains to be seen on the collective....and that is always a cool part for me to ponder as I have learned what I the planets as they move affect us personally, but also affect the collective society and the life we live in....and Pluto is associated with underworld is often considered the wrecking ball planet and concerned with alchemy and it exposing what lies beneath so it can be changed.......and depending on how your chart is set up we will all feel a shift in the next 19 years......this transit takes place in my 1st house of I suppose this path of rebirth, transformation, and alchemizing that I have been on will continue, and be amped up lol;-) And I am hopeful it is indicative of my expanding coaching business, my writing, my public speaking, and my retreat center! Shaking things up in my life to move me to the places I am meant to evolve to.....and I know that there are people that do not believe in the astrological impact in our lives.....I get it;-) but for me, finding it, and having it resonate as it has....and learning what I have, has freed me in a way that I cannot stress enough.....being brave enough to face and feel whatever steps forward, even if it is uncomfortable.....being more intuitive about feeling it all as it comes, recognizing it and connecting with it to move me forward.....trusting the journey so fully, connecting to everything....and doing my best to not attach to anything....surrendering and letting go.......realizing with deep faith that no matter how uncomfortable what comes is, the gold is found in facing it and learning from has also stripped me of most of my fear....I think my breast biopsy awhile back showed me that......that would have had me so freaked out in my old life....and in my new one I accepted that if breast cancer was next then I would face that and do my best to conquer it and move beyond it with more lessons in tow....there was no fear.....none......which was so trust it all, and know that as the moon comes and goes each month, and the planets spin, our lives are unfolding in the ways that they are meant to......and it has helped me accept what comes, what goes, recognizing open doors, and closing ones and opportunities and all of it.....It has been a powerful part of my spirituality, that has helped me really live in a way that I haven't always been able to.....and interestingly enough I made a connection on FB dating the rebirth planet came a calling:-) as Pluto was across from my moon and my 7th house of relationships.....a rare event for me....and the conversation has been interesting so far, intriguing and substantial in a way I don't often find on there too often.....FB dating being like a barren wasteland lol:) many other folks are good at connecting and dating on there, me not so much;-) but again it is in that same space I just spoke of.....I know that it will all come when it is supposed to, and that no moment in our life is insignificant or small.....a conversation.......a date..... or a relationship.....a friendship, all serving to teach us the things we need to learn, or touch our lives in the ways meant for us.....I remember there was an early on dating connection I made, and we talked briefly, and even though nothing came out of it in a real sense....I know now what his purpose was for me.....and I love that.....all of the pings our lives get....the impact others make on us....and we make on all matters in a beautiful way.......and Astrology is complex for sure....and for me wildly fascinating.....and makes perfect sense in conjunction with my faith in God, and my more traditional views....the universe is vast, and large, and magical.....and I am curious to see what our collective looks like in 19 years after Pluto's arrival on the scene to shake stuff up;-)

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