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Heart not head......

I am feeling like........ especially lately......I am living much more in my heart than my head......not overthinking.....not spinning into stuff ......just making decisions and riding from my heart and wherever it leads.....and it feels really not get up in my head and debate my desires to death.....or talk myself out of them.....just be in the world.....and ride the highway of my heart and soul.......last night I got coached during class.......every other week we do coaching sessions......either being coached or being the coach and rotate.....and I remember how daunting that seemed when I had first heard about it.....and I thought that it would be overwhelming and challenging.....but I have one coaching session that I have done under my belt on these coaching weeks and now I have a client session too.....and there is as much learning that takes place in being the client, as there is in being the get to feel it from the other side and it is very helpful to experience both......truth is I could have come to last night's session with a myriad of many things going on in my life right now.....but I ended up being so happy with the topic I had decided to bring to the topic was on the writer's block I am feeling with my book.....stuck in the format.......have the idea and the material right there to move forward, but feel stuck in what that needs to look as I started to become coached, I shared the foreword of my book with her, and in front of the class, as a way to help her understand where I am headed and what I want to accomplish....and it was powerful and vulnerable to put that out there in that space.....but I am finding that when we live from our heart.....and put ourselves out there with our genuine selves......... the return is lovely.......some people won't understand, that is true.....and some will fall away......also true......but you will also attract your tribe......the true people.....the ones that no matter what would not betray you or walk away......I can now feel when I connect to my heart, am conscious and present in it.... and when I can convey that to another person, or to people.....and I think it will be the thing that helps me build a successful coaching business.....talking from my heart not my head......making people feel heard, and seen, and cared for......and connecting with them on a deeper level.....because I am willing to go deep with them......I am not afraid.......not afraid to be vulnerable......or raw.....or real.......nothing is better than somebody bringing their real to least for me......knowing somebody is real and sharing the truth of their soul is my last night was a step for put myself out there some... to get the true value of my coaching session and it was received in the spirit I wanted it to luck would have it, the girl I was paired with to coach me, was a writer too! :)So her ability to coach me and guide me through it was hugely helpful......and on the other side of that short session, I feel like I can get myself unstuck and move forward with my book...... and the beauty of coaching indeed:)

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