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He is SO good..........

I wrote about the stormy seas I have found myself in and the challenges within yesterday.......but just as we cannot control that and what comes, we also just never know when we will be given a divine right when we need it......a gift from that continues to strengthen our belief in the things we cannot belief in that has become SO default is faith......and I trust it all......and my spirituality is deep and wide, and all encompassing these days and growing by the day.......and to that end, the final details of picking Mads up for this school year have been plaguing me.....I have tried a bunch of different things, and some have fallen together, and others not yet, and the school year feels like a speeding train about to hit us, and I still have pieces to pull I had the nudge to call a friend of mine yesterday morning before we headed out.....and we chatted, and I shared my angst, and she said let me email this girl I know and see if she is interested......and we finished our conversation, and I went about my day.....I took the kids to Apple Valley, and then as we were about to leave to hike my phone alerted and it was from a woman I know sorta from my brother's church.....and she had gotten the email about her daughter from my friend, but she herself was interested in taking the aftercare portion potentially on the days I needed. She passes by Madeline's school......and they are a lovely amazing people......and well.......there it was.....a giant light shining down on my boat......a giant ray of sunshine amid the wind and the rain.....and I cannot even really describe the relief that flooded my body.....that is such a good feeling right:) To find relief after you have been carrying something for awhile and the solution arrives.......knowing that the answer to your prayer has arrived.....and she remarked that it may have been the answer to hers too, she has been looking to supplement her income some....:) And God is SO good right??......and while my journey has been tough in this life.....and again I say that not with any pity for myself, or wanting pity.....because the truth is it has also been so magnificently blessed......#FACTS......I live a life in extremes sometimes, and the magnificent is just as amazing as the depth of the challenges I face....and so I guess that is the price I pay to experience the beauty I do......and the things that inspire me to marvel in awe.....and this woman and I will be chatting today to see what we can work out.....and I am thrilled to have her influence in Madeline's truly......and I said a prayer with my kids yesterday by the water where we was such a peaceful and amazing place......just what we needed.....such solace found among the trees and in that place.....and something happens to me when I pray in the woods.....I feel like my prayers are heard so much more clearly......connecting better with the divine.....I know that may sound hokey to some.....but it is the truth for me:) So I prayed for our situation and gave thanks for the blessing of this new woman in our lives, and her timing being impeccable. Praying aloud with them, and offering peace and hope to all of our hearts! Happy Saturday! Enjoy the day:)

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